Flu means viral infection, it transfers from an infectious person to another in very easy way, through means like
- Hand shaking
- Frequent use of finger to touch our eyes, nose, and mouth
- Communicate to infectious person less than 1 metre, etc.
If we are alert during weather changes, we and our families will be free from this type of illness, because
"prevention is better than cure"
- Frequent use of hand washing with any soap for at list 30 second in proper whole hand.
- Use" namaste",the typical indian style.
- Avoid crowded places and close contact.
- If you are sick then use plenty of water and light diet and take proper rest, otherwise you will become sicker, and gift to other family member and society people.
- Beware of its dangers, it can kill you too, so don't take it lightly.
Homeopathy is best for this, with no side effect.
1. Aconite nap-30 use this before 24 hour. 5 drops one dose
2. Gelsemium-30 use this 5 drops every 1hr
3. Rhus tox q 5drops in half cup of water morning evening
4. Bryonia-q 5drops in half cup of water, early morning, afternoon,early evening
5. Baptisia-q 5drops in half cup of water in night.
Follow treatment for up to 3 days only,
you will be alright.
for any query contact me 7275024957