Causes of Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD) in Diabetes
- Vascular damage can affect blood supply to the vagina and clitoris which can cause problems with dryness and arousal.
- Neuropathy can reduce sensitivity
- Diabetes can also lead to low oestrogen levels which can also affect the lubrication
- Depression can lead to FSD in a diabetic women and can affect relationships.
FSD in the Diabetics Assessed in a Survey
Female sexual response cycle is a complex non linear progression from desire to arousal and orgasm.
- Diabetes particularly affects arousal with decreased genital sensation and lubrication.
- Vaginal dryness & infections may lead to dyspareunia.
- Sexual functioning can be affected by Vaginitis caused by yeast infection and cystitis often result of a UTI.
- Predictors of sexual dysfunction in women include depression.
Neither age, duration of diabetes, glycemic control nor complications in predict sexual dysfunction in women as they do in men.
Results show that women with type one diabetes, depression and marital status are the main predictors of FSD, whereas glycaemic control & complications were not associated with FSD. Further studies are needed to elucidate the mechanisms underlying these differences. Considering that FSD can have an important negative effect on quality of life and partner relationships, the sexual difficulties of women with diabetes warrant more attention in both research & practice. 50% & potential increase in tandem with that of diabetes, is needed.
The absence of definitive treatment, psychosexual counselling, relationship & sex therapy, DHEA supplements, vaginal lubricants, Flibanserin, low doses of estrogens or androgens, and Vitamin T(touch) have been used to Relieve the personal distress of FSD.
- FSD is more frequent in diabetic than in control women, but it is still poorly understood; low Female Sexual Function Index is associated with high BMI.
- Sexual functioning of women with diabetes, has received far less attention in research, and results are less conclusive than those of studies in men. Further studies are necessary to better understand the risk factors for FSD in diabetic women.