An unhealthy diet can affect your sex life in more ways than one! And not in ways that thrill your partner.
A fatty diet can lead to cholesterol build up in your arteries, reducing blood flow to all parts of your body including your privates, and thus reducing arousal. Every 1 point increase in your total cholesterol correlates to an 1.5 times greater risk of erection problems.
If you are on an unhealthy diet, then you probably have more fat deposits in your body. This is more bad news for men, since higher fat deposits in the male body is correlated to lower testosterone production- the male sex hormone. A substantial increase in fat deposits can affect the hormonal balance and can increase estrogen in the male body. Increase of estrogen production in the male body is related to growth of male breasts and other feminine features.
Did you know that drinking alcohol also lowers testosterone? And it promotes the production of estrogen, the female hormone in the male body.