Today got a chance to operate a young rajpoot patient having #otalgia,ear discharge&debris in rt ear,refractory to all sort of #ENT treatment with history of #currettage of ear canal.#PTA showed absolute normal thresholds.luckily i took enaural incision.flakes n debris eroding #EAC were cleared n then cavity was saucerized. Ant #overhang dealt with drillling.#MiddleEar & #TM were normal. skin of canal &lining of cavity preserved.defect leading to clean antrum was closed with tragal cartilage piece with perichondrium.
#External auditory canal (EAC) cholesteatoma (EACC) is a rare entity occur #lateral to the tympanic membrane;they may also represent cases of keratosis obturans,which has similar characteristics.#there are still no reliable consistent symptoms or clinical signs that can differentiate between the two conditions; however, the most useful finding confirming an EECC is focal osteonecrosis or sequestration of bone lacking an #epithelial covering;Symptoms like #otorrhea and pain are often reported, but many cases can be remarkably #insidious silent or even asymptomatic,concealing serious destruction with few or no symptoms.Most cases are spontaneous or occur after surgery or trauma to the auditory canal,though pre-existing ear-canal,stenosis or obstruction has also been reported to produce EECC.
It's really satisfying that I got to do such rare cases,though on few occassions only in #26 yrs of active surgical practice.good day indeed !!!!
#External auditory canal (EAC) cholesteatoma (EACC) is a rare entity occur #lateral to the tympanic membrane;they may also represent cases of keratosis obturans,which has similar characteristics.#there are still no reliable consistent symptoms or clinical signs that can differentiate between the two conditions; however, the most useful finding confirming an EECC is focal osteonecrosis or sequestration of bone lacking an #epithelial covering;Symptoms like #otorrhea and pain are often reported, but many cases can be remarkably #insidious silent or even asymptomatic,concealing serious destruction with few or no symptoms.Most cases are spontaneous or occur after surgery or trauma to the auditory canal,though pre-existing ear-canal,stenosis or obstruction has also been reported to produce EECC.
It's really satisfying that I got to do such rare cases,though on few occassions only in #26 yrs of active surgical practice.good day indeed !!!!