What is Exams anxiety?
We'll discuss today Exams Anxiety Symptoms, Tips and How to Overcome it. You went to class, completed homework, and studied. You arrived at the exam confident about the material. But if someone has Exams anxiety or a performance anxiety, then taking the test becomes the most difficult part of the equation.
Symptoms of Test Anxiety
The symptoms of Exams anxiety can vary considerably and range from mild to severe. Students who experience only mild symptoms of test anxiety and are still able to do fairly well on exams.
- Worry and dread– maladaptive cognition’s. This includes fear of failure, random thoughts, feelings of inadequacy, self-condemnation, negative self-talk, frustration and comparing oneself unfavourably to others.
- Physical symptoms of test anxiety include sweating, shaking, rapid and loud heartbeat, dry mouth, fainting and nausea. Milder cases of exam anxiety can cause a sense of “butterflies” in the stomach, while more in more severe cases students become physically ill.
- Cognitive and behavioural symptoms can include fidgeting or outright avoidance of testing situations. In severe cases of test or exam anxiety, students will drop out of school in order to avoid the source of their fear. Substance abuse can also occur.
- Emotional symptoms of test anxiety can include depression, low self-esteem, anger and a feeling of hopelessness. Students often feel helpless to change their situation or belittle and berate themselves for their symptoms and poor test performance.
Tips to overcome the anxiety:
- Indulge yourself in physical exercises: Doing physical exercises daily can severely reduce stress level for students and can help cope up with tension too.
- Breathe and stretch: Stretching your body, while you are studying relaxes your muscles and mind, that again helps in reducing stress. Take breaks and do breathing exercises and stretch as much as you can.
- Excel yourself in time management: Planning in advance all the work gives you great results and you are less stressed.
- Talk out: Whenever you are stressed or tensed, talk out. Talk with any person with whom you feel happy. Talk about your problems, you will feel light.
- Relax your mind and muscles: Yoga, one of the best ways to relax your mind and body. Yoga helps you keep calm and strengthen your body.
- Prioritize your sleep: Your body gets tired of working for a whole day. In exams times (and in normal days also), try to sleep early and sleep enough.
Ways to recover from Anxiety
- Read: Read voraciously. Self-improvement books are ideal.
- Run: Running helps to fight against depression. Do this religiously.
- Deactivate Social Media: Stay away from FB, Instagram and Twitter. Stop comparing with others and start challenging yourself.
- Rediscover yourself: Try to fight hard. Ask for help from people you trust the most, your closest friends will help you through.
- Stay away from sad songs or movies: Just don’t get anywhere near to them. Watch comedy shows to lift up your spirits.