Effective Taping for Tinnitus and Migraine


Definition Tinnitus expresses itself as a permanent or rhythmic tone or noise in the ear. The causes of tinnitus are varied and it is often a symptom of other illnesses. Possible causes are loud noise, ear infections, faulty signal processing in the brain, and psychological stress. It is assumed to result from the interaction of various factors leading to changes in the blood circulation of the inner ear. The frequently-occurring, concomitant tension in the neck musculature is treated with K-Taping therapy.

Aim Using various muscle applications to the neck musculature,relief of tension in these structures is achieved.

Application The following muscles are treated with a tonus-reducing muscle application:

  • semispinalis capitis muscle 
  • levator scapulae muscle 
  • superior region of the trapezius muscle 
  • sternocleidomastoid muscle 
  • anterior scalene muscle 

To preclude the patient experiencing a sensation of asymmetry,the neck musculature is taped bilaterally even in unilateral tinnitus.In addition, the C.T.M Head zones are treated with two ligament application via the cut visceral reflex arc. The skin stimulation is transmitted at the spinal level via a sympathetic efferent pathway, thus increasing the efficiency of the entire body and accelerating the chemical breakdown process: Spinous process C7 Space tape T12.



Migraine is a unilateral, pulsating headache with periodic,recurrent attacks. It is frequently accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to light. The precise causes of migraine are not yet known. In familial predisposition to migraine, a genetic defect has been postulated, but environmental influences and lifestyle also appear to play a role.Tension in the neck musculature that frequently accompanies migraine is treated with K-Taping.

Aim Using various muscle applications to the neck, shoulder, and arm musculature, relief of tension in these structures is achieved.

Application The following muscles are treated using tonus-reducing muscle applications :

  • semispinalis capitis
  • levator scapulae
  • anterior scalene
  • sternocleidomastoid
  • superior trapezius
  • deltoid
  • supraspinatus
  • pectoralis major/minor
  • biceps brachii
  • triceps brachii
  • extensor carpi radialis longus/brevis
  • flexor digitorum

The following muscles are treated with a tonus-increasing application :

  • infraspinatus
  • rhomboideus major

Two ligament applications are used to treat the connective tissue massage (C.T.M) Head zones: over C7 space tape on T12 The erect position of the trunk is supported with a fascia correction.