Is exercise good when pregnant? 

Well, continuing a regular exercise routine can help you to stay healthy and feel fresh. Regular exercise can result in decreasing some common discomforts like backaches and fatigue. There is evidence that exercises prevent gestational diabetes and build more stamina needed for labour and delivery. If you are healthy, the risks of moderate-intensity activity through the physiological state is terribly low. And don't increase the risk of low birth weight, preterm delivery, early pregnancy loss. Before you continue your previous exercise routine to begin with the new one, you ought to consult with your doctor concerning about exercising during pregnancy.

Most of the women get some advantage during pregnancy through exercise. Now the question comes up is - What are those advantages of exercise during pregnancy? No doubt, exercise gives a good benefit to your baby and yourself (if complications don't limit your ability to exercise). 

It will facilitate you: 

1. Look better - Exercises will increase the blood flow to the skin which will result in a healthy glow.

2. Feel better - Exercise will increase your sense of Management and Boost Your energy. It will give you relief from backaches, stress, and anxiety which will help you to get a good sleep. Also, it reduces constipation by accelerating Movement in your intestines.

3. Regain your pregnancy body more quickly - You will able to gain less fat weight if you continue to exercise during pregnancy. But don't try to lose weight by exercising during pregnancy as for most women the goal is to maintain the fitness level.

4. Prepare you and your body for birth – A fit heart and strong muscles can ease labour and delivery. Having control over breathing can help you to manage pain. According to the studies, it has shown that exercise may even lower a woman's risk of complications like preeclampsia and gestational diabetes.

Now you might be thinking what are those exercises that need to be done in pregnancy? There are some significant physical activities that should be done during pregnancy as you should prefer exercises that have a low risk of falling, injury, joint, and ligament damage. This includes low impact activities that don't require too several changes to the centre of gravity or depend predominantly on balance.

 1. Walking - It is one of the common exercises that need to be done during pregnancy. As walking is safe for everybody, including pregnant women, were only just beginning to exercise. It has a low risk of Falls and is easy to control exertion levels. Brisk walking is low impact for joints and muscles however still provides a complete body exercising and improves cardiovascular fitness.

 2. Indoor cycling - It can be a great exercise, as it lets you pedal at your own pace without the risk of falling on putting pressure on your ankle and knee joints. It is a good cardiovascular workout which will result in improving leg muscle strength.  

3. Water sports - Water sports like swimming, water aerobics, and water working are safe and also fun Sports. Swimming works almost all muscles in the body without the risk of overeating. Water aerobics is for cardiovascular fitness whereas water sports are also safe as there is no risk of falling or losing balance. It is effective for women suffering from back pain and leg swelling during pregnancy. It will help you to heal them. 

4. Warm up - Exercises should begin with the warm up and cool down period. The hormones created throughout gestation make women especially flexible in preparation for childbirth however this could cause excessive stretching and pulling which may cause injury. Stretching should be done in a very gentle manner especially after the first trimester. 

 5. Running - It is safe in moderation for women that were running frequently before the became pregnant as it is not necessary that woman that never run before take up running during their pregnancy. It depends on the individual, the running the regime may need to lessen in intensity and frequency. 

6. Low impact aerobics classes - Low impact aerobics doesn't put you so much train like that of high impact aerobics to do. In low impact aerobics, you have one foot on the ground or equipment. Such as riding a stationary bike and using an elliptical machine where is in high impact aerobics both feet leave the ground at the same time such as jumping jacks and jumping rope. Consult your trainer will help you to modify your workout.  

7. Weight training- According to the studies, it has been shown that weight training gives you a benefit during pregnancy as it improves your strength and flexibility. It will help you build muscle and make your bones strong. It safe to work out with weights but make sure they are not too heavy. 

8. Yoga - Yoga helps you to maintain flexibility. It strengthens your muscle system, stimulates circulation and helps you to feel better.  

But, these exercises cannot be performed by everyone during pregnancy as now the question arises is Who should not exercise during pregnancy? Well if you are suffering from diseases like asthma, heart disease, diabetes then these exercises may not be advisable. Exercises can also be harmful if you have a problem-related condition like low placenta, weak cervix, bleeding or spotting, threatened or recurrent miscarriage. 

If you have this kind of problems then you should first consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program. They will give you personal exercise guidelines based on your medical history. Be careful and consult with your doctor while choosing your exercise during pregnancy as there are a plethora of activities that aren't safe during pregnancy. Some of them are:-  

1.  Exercises that require you to hold your breath.

2. Exercises that involve standing on one leg for a period of time. 

3. Pushing off with one leg at a time when swimming – try to push off with both feet when you turn at the end of the pool. 

4. Excessive breaststroke at the end of your pregnancy, as this puts stress on your pelvis. 

5. Prolonged standing static exercises e.g. standing still and doing arm weights for a long period of time. 

6. Highly choreographed exercises or those involving sudden changes in direction. 

7. Lifting your hip to the side while kneeling on your hands and knees. 

8. Activities involving sudden changes in intensity. 

9. Exercises that increase the curve in your lower back.

10. High impact or jerky movements.

11. Prolonged bouncing, as this can overstretch the pelvic floor muscles.

12. Heavyweights.

13. Bouncing – especially star jumps or similar activities.

14. Contact sports.

15. Any activities or exercises that cause pain.

16. Excessive twisting and turning activities.

17. Sports which get hit in the belly like hockey, or basketball should not be preferred during pregnancy.

18. Activities having bouncing movements that can make you fall like downhill skilling, gymnastics or skating should not be done.

 All of the above factors may affect your health. So, you should choose your exercise wisely during pregnancy.  Remember, it is highly recommended to consult your doctor about exercises for your specific situation.