Dark Circles or Bag under your eyes?

Then, may be dermal filler treatment is all you need to make you look refresh again.

Dark under-eye bags are a common concern. Many people feel that this area of their face makes them look older or more tired than they really are. Dark circles under eyes are usually caused by hollowing in the "tear trough" zone due to volume loss caused by loss of fat in this area. The tear troughs are the depressions running from the nose up to the under-eye area. This is usually due to age but can be present in much younger people who are genetically predisposed, lack of sleep, lifestyle, deep situated eye sockets or lack of fat in this area. Because the skin here is quite thin, it has a tendency to show the effects of ageing sooner than the rest of the face. Dark colour occurs because this loss of tissue allows the deeper dark purple muscle layer to show through. Often a "bag" will appear, as this loss of structure, plus loss of upper cheek volume in more severe cases, causes a loss of support to the tissue structures directly under the eye, which will then begin to bulge unsupported. The darkness is further aggravated by the shadowing caused by this troughing and bagging.  Pigmentation is usually never a contributing factor, and is why no creams will ever be of any use to help fix this problem.

By adding volume back into the troughs and upper cheeks, the "valleys" can be filled in to smooth out these negative contours, effectively eliminating the dark colour and shadowing, and erasing the perceived tired look.  A tear trough treatment, a non-surgical approach, may alleviate these effects.

A tear trough treatment involves the injection of dermal filler above the eye socket bone. This filler is then massaged into the fatty tissues underneath the eye, filling in this depression from inside the skin. The treatment can rejuvenate the appearance of this area by plumping up hollow under-eye areas, while concealing dark circles by filling in the loose skin.

What to expect?

The treatment involves an injection of dermal filler into the under-eye area. Often, only 1ml of dermal filler is needed, with half a millilitre or less injected underneath each eye. Some patients undergo a second treatment 9-12 months after the first. A third treatment several months later may also be recommended to achieve the desired effect. 

Only highly qualified, extensively trained dermatologist should administer dermal fillers. The injectable filler contains an anaesthetic, making this treatment extremely well tolerated. Patients usually feel a slight pinch when the needle enters their skin. Multiple small injections are placed in the under-eye area to fill in the volume deficit evenly. Immediately following the injections, you are free to leave  clinic. 

No downtime is needed following a tear trough treatment. Patients can return to work and other daily activities immediately. The results are visible instantly, and usually last anywhere between 6 months and 3 years.

Who are suitable for this treatment?

People often choose to have a tear trough treatment instead of more invasive surgeries such as blepharoplasty. The treatment does not require general anaesthesia or leave behind incision scars, unlike surgical procedures. Because the results are not permanent, it allows patients to “try out” the treatment without committing to a lifelong change in their appearance.

Most candidates for this treatment are in their mid-30s or older. They seek a tear trough treatment as a way to combat some of the signs of ageing. Patients often complain that the appearance of their under-eye area makes them look more tired than they feel. Even older patients with significant skin sagging or puffiness in this area can benefit from this treatment. The treatment may also be performed on younger patients with genetic tear trough imperfections.