Diabetes is a condition where your body cannot manage the blood sugar/glucose levels. Blood glucose levels are managed by the hormone, insulin. Lower levels of insulin or insulin insensitivity, can lead to diabetes. Due to the lack of control over blood glucose levels, diabetics tend to vary between having hyper-glycemic (high blood sugar) & hypoglycemic (low blood sugar). So, the key to control type-2 diabetes naturally is to manage your lifestyle. Read on for more information. Diabetes is a growing health problem in India. Various studies have shown the high incidence of diabetes mellitus type 2 in India is mainly because of sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, obesity, stress and a diet rich in simple carbohydrates. India expected to a diabetic capital by 2050. New England Journal of Medicine stated that dietary changes, coupled with an increase in physical activity, can reduce the risk diabetes by more than half. The Medical Journal of Armed Forces reported that oral medication pills only reduces blood glucose levels by maximum of 50 mg/dl.To manage your diabetes, or to prevent diabetes, the changes are not drastic. Read on for tips that can help you manage your diabetes: 

Your Weight– Excess fat actually decreases the number of insulin receptors present in the body, thus increasing the risk of Type 2 diabetes or aggravating it further. 

Food Habits– It’s not just what you eat that affects your blood sugar level but how much you eat and when you eat matters, too.– Eat small, frequent meals.– Eating complex carbohydrate (low/medium GI foods) and managing the amount of carbohydrates at each meal or snack will help keep your blood sugar level steady throughout the day. Here’s a list of surprising food diabetics should avoid.– Some studies reported that omega-3 fish oil improves glucose tolerance, high triglycerides, and cholesterol levels in diabetics.– Eat more fruits, vegetables, seeds, oats, and whole-grain products improve glucose tolerance. 

Exercise– Regular exercise promotes cardiovascular fitness and weight loss, lowers high blood pressure, improves lipid profiles, improves blood sugar control and leads to an overall sense of well-being. The more strenuous your workout, the longer the effect lasts. 

Alcohol– Alcohol worsens glucose tolerance, increases risk for eye damage and possibly hypoglycemia. So, its best to refrain from alcohol if you have a tendency of diabetes. 

Smoking– Diabetics who smoke are at a higher risk for kidney damage and heart disease. 

Sleep– Latest research indicates that not getting a minimum of 6 hour sleep may impair insulin use and increase the risk for obesity.