when we exercise have we wondered how our body burn fat the real mechanism behind it...

Nowadays, we are scared of eating too much as it leads to an inch increase in our waist circumference. I made a little research on the internet and found only one interesting out of a hundred sites,  which was written by a biochemistry graduate...

Upon my own experience I found out after exercise I put on weight that's crazy... ( I have seen this in many people). Everyone says to be fit we need to do regular workouts that's true, then I referred the internet which said it is cos of the inflammation after exertional exercise...  After a day or two I was on the same weight, Then started my search again where I hit on this site which was written by a biochemistry graduate.

Our 90./. fat in our body is excreted from our body through carbon- dioxide( C02) from our lungs remaining through sweat and heat generated from our body. That was amazing, isn't it...  I thought why to stress myself by doing exertional exercise why not inhale fresh morning air and exhale CO2 out... This is what our ancient people call as Pranayama... found it very interesting, I tried it for a week though I felt refreshed I didn't lose my belly fat;  

Then I found out that my body is not releasing out CO2 in an efficient way...Then I found out a remedy in Homoeopathy which releases CO2 from our body; Took it which was best suited to me and got rid of my belly fat... If it works for me it might work for you too...