Whipping Up Quick Vegetarian Meals and Snacks

Many athletes get off track when faced with preparing their own meals. In fact, for many athletes it is easy to eat right when their only responsibility is to make good choices from the training table, mess hall, cafeteria, or sorority dining room—unless of course the quality of the food is not up to par. Entering the kitchen and having to prepare healthy meals on a schedule, a budget, or both, however, is a bit more challenging. 

Wouldn’t it be great if we could just hire a personal vegetarian chef?Because this is unlikely, this last provides tips and ideas to help you seta kitchen PR (preparation record) creating healthy vegetarian meals. If you are a novice or feel you just can’t cook, this will take some of the uncertainty out of meal preparation and start you on your way to performing your best—inthe kitchen.

Different Tastes for Different Folks

Although nearly everyone reading this  is an active vegetarian, you all have different taste preferences, eating philosophies, and lifestyles. Therefore, you may find many of the following tips helpful and directed right at you and find others completely futile. This is, of course, to be expected given that some of you are in college or even high school, some are single, some are married, and some have 10 kids (or on some days it seems like there are 10). 

Some of you frequent yourcity supermarket and others shop exclusively at the local co-op or health food store. Some of you train in the early-morning hours, and others sneak in workouts before dinner or whenever the 10 kids allow. Some of you are trying to shed a few pounds and others need ideas to keep them eating healthfully. No matter your situation, pick and choose the tips most helpful to you now, remembering that things can and do change, and you will be well on your way to whipping up healthy vegetarian meals.

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