Everyone has to get old. It is the fact which we all have to go through. Then why not opt to age gracefully. The more active and fit you are now will help you to lead your old age more happily.

A report released by the Ministry of Statistics said that the number of citizens over the age of 60 jumped 45.5 percent — from 7.6 crores in 2001 to 14.3 crore in 2014.

“The trend clearly reveals that ageing will emerge as a major social challenge in the future,” said Director-General (Central Statistical Office)

Exercise. ‘One of the key factors’, It's Never Too Late to Start 

Practicing Exercise is an important key to ageing successfully. It's never too late to start. Here are the tips to get started on your fitness journey.As we age, muscle mass decreases. Between the age 30s’and, 80’s the muscle mass decreases by 15%. This is the major reason which contributes to a lower metabolic rate, as we get older.

Maintaining muscle strength and mass helps burn calories to maintain a healthy weight, strengthens bones, and restores balance.Always remember It's never too late to exercise and build muscle. The body will respond to strength training at any age. Strength training helps to reduce symptoms of some common problems of old age including arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, back pain, and depression.

Strength is not always equal to large muscles. Lifting weights just two or three times a week can increase strength by building lean muscle. Strength training can increase bone density, overall strength, and balance. It can also reduce the risk of falls that can lead to fractures.

Endurance also declines like muscle strength as we grow older. Any activity that increases heart rate and breathing for an extended period is considered endurance exercise. Walking, swimming, cycling, dancing, and tennis are all endurance activities.

As we age, balance decreases and falls can lead to fractures. One-third of people over the age of 65 falls each year, often resulting in injuries which need surgeries and may cause disability among the elderly. Strength exercises can help maintain balance and reduce the risk of falling.

As we age, bone density decreases and can lead to osteoporosis. A condition in which the bones become fragile and weak and are more prone to fractures. Osteoporosis is more common in women than in men. Exercise can increase bone strength and density. Weight-bearing activity, in particular, is used as this causes the bones to work harder. Strength training as well strengthens muscles and helps strengthen bones.

Exercise helps with cognitive function. Regular physical activity can slow declines in memory and protect against dementia. Exercise has been shown to improve mood. Depression is common for older adults, and exercise can have an antidepressant effect. It is thought that exercise may increase serotonin in the brain. 

How to Get it Started?

Any Exercise programs are started gradually after a proper consultation It's important to start slowly, and build gradually. Doing too much too soon can result in injury. Even a five-to-ten minute walk is good in the beginning.

Your Exercise should include:

  • Endurance Exercises
  • Strength and Resistance Exercises.
  • Flexibility Exercises
  • Balance Exercises
  • Yoga / Meditation

Go for It!

No matter what your age, exercise is good for you. It's never too late to start, and you can benefit from a regular pattern of Exercise.