Holding your baby in your arms and Breast feeding that little flower gives a lot of joy in you as a mother. It creates a very powerful bond between the mom and the child, also is the strongest relationship in the world. It is really happening when you breast feed your baby, you are feeding him/her with a lot of nutrients and immunizing antibodies, which is of great consequence in their growth. Breast milk is very thin, easily digestible, tastier than any other fortified milk and baby milk products. The chance of infection in bottle fed baby is very much higher than the breast fed baby.

Faqs about Breast feeding

1. Breast feeding will make the mother look older due to enlarged and sagging breasts?

It is not true, only she has to wear a proper fitting bra while nursing which will help from sagging of breasts. The enlarged breasts will go back to the normal size after stoppage of breast feeding.

2. Breast feeding is difficult in public places ?

Yes, it is difficult to feed your baby in places other than your home. But there are rooms provided separately in hospitals to encourage breast feeding, where you mostly take them for vaccination. "Mothers milk is the best source of nutrition for your baby. It is the fastest and safest available food for your precious baby" . This thought in you will remove the shyness in you and will be prepared to feed your baby in any place. Soon you will expertise in feeding your baby in a very neat way.

3. Do all mothers have good secretion of breast milk ?

Yes, all mothers have good secretion of breast milk. The difference is some will have small amount of secretion at the beginning which will increase while you continue to feed your baby. As the baby sucks the nipple, secretion of the hormones prolactin and oxytocin increase, which leads to the production of milk and flow of the milk through the ducts inside the breasts respectively. Drink more amount of fluids and eat well to increase the milk secretion.

4. What to do when there is reduction of milk secretion ?

Usually there will be fluctuation in production of milk secretion which is normal. This can be detected with the baby crying continuously even after feeding or if the baby bites the nipple or the baby's abdomen shows its not full after feeding.

This can be corrected by taking certain home available cooking items like garlic, asafoetida, spinach , sugar beans, betel leaves, karpuravalli leaves. Intake of these will act as a galactagogue ( increase milk secretion). DO NOT STOP FEEDING EVEN IF MILK REDUCES.

5. Will Homeopathic remedies help to increase or decrease the secretion of milk ?

Yes, there are wonderfully acting homeopathic remedies available to increase milk secretion like Allium sativum, Coleus aromaticus, Asafoetida, Lactuca virosa, Alfaalfa, Urtica urens. Also to decrease or stop the secretion while weaning like Pulsatilla, Lac caninum.

6. What is the proper way of feeding?

Hold your baby in your arm on the side you are going to feed, Body and face turned towards you with head high and legs low. Have a pillow under your arm for support. Rest your back in a proper position. Help the baby to create a good latch with the nipple. Try to control the flow of milk by holding the area above the nipple between your index finger and the middle finger. Drink a glass of water before and after every feed.

7. What not to do while feeding?

Do not eat while feeding. Do not lie down and feed the baby. Do not be angry or tensed while feeding. Try to even avoid talking unnecessarily while feeding.

8. What can I do while feeding?

You should be very relaxed. Sing a mild beautiful song to your baby. Think about his/her growth and future. Have happy and pleasant thoughts in your mind. Hold the hand of your baby while feeding.

9. What to do after breast feeding ?

Hold the baby in upright position with the support of your shoulder. Gently tap at the baby's back, you will hear a burp. While making the baby to lie down after feeding, make them lie on their side, either left or right. This is to avoid aspiration of milk into baby's lungs which is dangerous.

10. What are the advantages of Breast feeding?

  • While breast feeding a hormone called oxytocin is released, Which causes uterine contractions and brings back the uterus to its pre - pregnancy size.
  • Oxytocin is the important reason for the bonding between the mother and the baby.
  • Areola ( i.e. the dark area around the nipple ) secretes an oil, which helps to keep the nipple and the areola clean and moist. The secretion has antimicrobial properties also, which reduce the risk of infection. 
  • Breast fed baby is free from infections causing diarrhoea, vomiting and other infections. Bottle fed babies are at higher risk of these infections. 
  • Even after infections breast fed babies will recover very fast. Infact, they fall sick fairly lesser.
  • The first milk secretion from the breast is called colostrum. It contains all the antibodies for the immunity of the baby.
  • Breast fed babies gains weight faster.
  • Breast milk is easily digested by the babies intestines and passes regular and normal stools.
  • Breast milk is more economical than other baby milk products.
  • Breast fed baby is a healthy baby.