We are all aware that the root cause of all diseases is in our digestive system. Healthy bacteria are produced in the intestine to help digestion and help the body to fight against infections because healthy intestines absorb essential nutrition in the body which provides you energy / stamina, better immunity, etc.
Suppose a person having constipation or incomplete emptying of the digested food that get stored in large intestine where it loses its natural softness, it creates toxins in the intestines and results in the formation of hard stool, bloating, pain in abdomen etc. It's just the beginning, with time it creates many health issues like high cholesterol, hyperacidity, piles, other health issues, etc.
To live life healthy, you must make your intestine healthy and fit! Here are 6 choices you can make to ensure you have healthy bowel movement on a regular basis:
1) Eat healthy and fresh food
Always prefer fresh cooked food (eat within maximum of 45 minutes from ready) depending on seasons. Eat fruits immediately after cutting them. After some times it loses its nutritional values and becomes stale food which creates bloating, indigestion, pain in abdomen etc.
2) Water drinking during meal
Sipping little water during meals is good for digestion, it even betters while consuming dry food items in meals.
3) Yoga and exercise to improve digestion
Exercise or yoga like Pawanmuktasana and Vajrasana helps in healthy bowel movement by improving circulation and removing excessive pressure on abdomen.
4) Eat food on time
You must fix the timing of your meals according to lifestyle / job profile. Make sure that the first meal i.e breakfast is heavy and dinner is light. We recommend 3 proper meals a day.
5) Food and lifestyle
Wash your hands before starting meals. Always take meals in sitting position only. Hygiene and ambience must be good and clean. A meal is complete when it contains sweet, salty, bitter, spicy, sour and astringent tasting foods in the right proportion. Do not forget to rinse your mouth with water after every meal and if needed, use dental floss too.
6) Don't fight the urge
Suppression or avoiding natural urges creates misbalance of digestive system which leads to different problems like bloating, pain, discomfort etc.
Adopt the above 6 lifestyle choices today for a happy and healthy bowel movement. Remember, Healthy Lifestyle = Healthy Bowel Movements!