Having a daily routine is very necessary as it helps you increases the sexual power. This is a plan for both men and women that helps to get sexual health back on track. The following tips are also a great way to maintain best sexual health and can be followed easily.

Get More Sleep:  Dearth of sleep has been linked to erectile dysfunction and sexual response problems. As with stress reduction methods, beneficial hormones are released during sleep, “If sleep is interrupted by stress, medication, and so on, that affects brain chemistry as well as mood.” Getting enough rest can help increase your Sexual Power and improve your sexual life.

Do Yoga or exercise before Bed: Doing any sort of yoga or exercising for 30-40 minutes daily improves the heart health which is very essential for sexual health. The heart is the very important your organ and heart health means great sexual health.

Consume Less Caffeine: It may have a negative effect on blood flow. But there is few evidence that chocolate, which contains few caffeine. Caffeine can have a positive effect on your sexual power. While there is no definitive proof linking, caffeine to erectile dysfunction or sexual arousal dysfunction, Sex doctor in India do know that caffeine can restrict blood vessels, so keeping consumption to moderate levels may be the best practice when it comes to sexual power and a healthy sexual life.

Waking up to fig and milk: We know that fig is a big source of zinc that the body needs. This drink provides you with the energy that you need for the rest of the day. You can also drink  garlic and onion juice as it is great for testosterone increase and increased libido.

Breakfast for champions: You can eat eggs and fruits as they both have essential vitamins that are best for sexual health. Fruits high in vitamin C are great for potency.