When you spend hours behind a computer screen day after a day, your posture naturally takes a hit. While it may not always be possible to remain conscious about how you’re sitting, there are certain exercises that you can do that will ease the strain on your neck,shoulders and back.
1. Neck drop and raise
Position: Sitting in a chair or Standing
Movement: Bend your head forward until your chin touches your chest,try and hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds. Then return to your starting position. Next, lean your head slightly back trying to look at the ceiling and hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds.
Suggested Number of Repetitions: 5 -10 each
2. Neck Tilts
Position: Sitting in a chair or Standing
Movement: Tilt your head sideways until your ear touches your right shoulder. Try and hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds, then return to your starting position. Repeat the above for left side.
Tip: Avoid elevating your shoulder and rotating your neck
Suggested Number of Repetitions: 5 -10 each
3. Shoulder shrugs
Position: Sitting in a chair or Standing
Movement: Lift/raise both your shoulders as high as possible, try and hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds. Then return to your starting position.
Tip: Keep your elbows extended and wrist relaxed
Suggested Number of Repetitions: 5 -10 each
4. Twist your Torso
Position: Sitting, cross your right leg over the left and place your opposite elbow on the top of the thigh, close to the knee but not on it
Movement: Make sure your back is erect and slowly twist it so that you can look over your shoulder, try and hold this position for 10-15 seconds then return to your starting position
Tip: Take deep breaths while twisting
Effect: Releases tension in upper body
5. Leg lifts
Position: Sit on a chair and hold the sides so that your arms are straight, make sure your legs are well rested.
Movement: Slowly raise the right leg in front of you trying to touch thigh to torso. Repeat above for left leg as well·
Tip: Keep you back erect and take deep breaths
Suggested Number of Repetitions :- 5 -10 each
Effect: Apart from working on your legs this exercise also works on your lower abdominal muscles.