At the base of a functional posture, the pelvic floor will act as the foundation to the spine. The red area of stimulation on the glutes will indicate that there is now an efficient activity in the region. The red portion on the lateral regions of the lower back represent the posterior end of the transverse abdominis. 

When there is efficient lumbo-pelvic function in terms of positioning, the TVA will engage in a belt like fashion to hold the spine into a neutral position. As we move up in the kinetic chain, we will see the red markers activating at the thoracic region.   

The thoracic region will only operate in function if the systems below are put in place.  Since we are operating from an effective point of stability beneath the thoracic spine, we will get a functional recruitment of extension out of that region to maintain posture in the upper body.  

Aligning the thoracic spine is a key element in resetting the shoulders into neutral position. Since the thoracic is the base of support for the lower and middle trapezius, it will set the tone for the posterior chain of musculature stabilizing in the rotator cuff.  Once the thoracic cavity and scapular region are in balance, this will also set the alignment structure for cervical spine efficiency.



If proper neutral spine function is present, the muscles acting upon the thoracic spine will activate to maintain the structures of the upper body. 


Proper lumbo-pelvic alignment typically leads to good activation in the gluteals and pelvic floor. This is usually the first place to go dormant when sedentary lifestyle revolved around sitting is implemented on a human body.


Optimal functional happening in the structures below will lead to the cervical spine muscles staying relaxed. Most cervical spine issues are usually a symptom of a poor kinetic deficiency in the thoracic and lumbopelvic region.

4.CORE STABILITY The transverse abdominis is a crucial producer of stability in the lumbar region.   As we can see here, it wraps around the spine much like a belt , setting the tone for effective spinal stability.