Looking to shed that extra layer of fat from your posterior and get a well-toned backside? You are just in the right place. Here are the top 3 exercises which are designed to give you that well-sculpted butt.
1. Lunges
This move gives you an awesome stretch through your glutes while testing your balance, coordination and patience. You should perform 3-5 sets of 10-15 repetitions each.
2. Squat with Front-kick
The Squat is a full body exercise. Squatting with proper posture strengthen the muscles surrounding your knees and lower back. This will make your knees and lower back stronger and healthier.this will help in toning your butts also. You can perform squats by bending through your hips and knees, until hips come lower than your knees.You should perform 3-5 sets of 10-15 repetitions each.
3. Plie squats
It's as simple to do as it looks, but infinitely more toning than you'd expect.It is another type of squat helpful in butt toning. This will also make your knees and lower back stronger and healthier. You can perform squats by bending through your hips and knees, until hips come lower than your knees.You should perform 3-5 sets of 10-15 repetitions each.