A. Look over shoulder

The benefit of exercise: To help maintain or increase your ability to look over your shoulder

Equipment required: Gym ball

If dizziness is experienced, discontinue the exercise and seek medical review

Repetition: 3-5 times to the left then 3-5 times to the right

Hints and tips:

  • Keep eyes level – do not look down to the floor or tiphead up to ceiling
  • Keep shoulders still
  • Maintain neutral spine position throughout the movement
  • Ensure slow, continuous movement throughout

1 Starting position:

Sit on a gym ball in neutral spine position.

2 Movement / action:

Turn your head to look over your shoulder as far as you can. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Return head to start position through the same movement line.

B.Trunk rotation

The benefit of exercise: To help maintain or increase your ability to rotate your trunk

Equipment required: Gym mat

If dizziness is experienced, discontinue the exercise and seek medical review

Repetition: 3 times to the left then 3 times to the right

Hints and tips:

Keep eyes level – do not look down to the floor or tip head up to the ceiling

Do not allow yourself to bend forwards or backwards during movement

Relax shoulders back and down

Ensure hips and pelvis remain still, facing forwards

Ensure slow, continuous movement throughout

1 Starting position:

Kneeling upright, with arms across chest and neutral spine position.

2 Movement / action:

Turn/rotate trunk from the waist as far round as you can. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Return trunk back to start position through the same movement line.

C.Trunk side bend

The benefit of exercise: To help maintain or increase your ability to side bend at the waist

Equipment required: Gym mat

If dizziness is experienced, discontinue the exercise and seek medical review

Repetition: 3 times to the left then 3 times to the right

Hints and tips:

Do not allow yourself to bend forwards or backwards during movement

Do not allow yourself to rotate/turn your trunk 

Keep shoulders relaxed 

Ensure hips and pelvis remain still, facing forwards 

Maintain even weight through your knees throughout the movement. Do not allow the opposite knee to lift 

Ensure slow, continuous movement throughout

1 Starting position:

Kneel upright in neutral spine position, arms resting by side and palms on the outer thigh.

2 Movement/action: Keeping hand in contact with the side of leg reach down towards the floor. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Return trunk back to start position through the same movement line.