Stress is the reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed upon them. It arises when they worry and can no more cope up. Stress is the “wear and tear” our minds and bodies experience as we attempt to cope with our continually changing environment.
How do you know you are stressed?
- Fatigue, headache, insomnia, muscle ache, stiffness (especially neck, shoulders & low back)
- Heart palpitations, chest pains, abdominal cramps, nausea, trembling
- Cold extremities, flushing or sweating & frequent colds
- Decrease in concentration & memory
- Indecisiveness, mind racing or going blank
- Confusion, loss of sense of humor
- Mental slowness
- Irritability
- Nervousness
- Depression, reduced sleep
- Anger, frustration, worry
- Fear, impatience, hopelessness
- Nervous habits, increased eating, smoking, drinking
- Procrastinating
- Crying, yelling, blaming and even throwing things or hitting
- Suicidal thoughts
If you are facing any of these symptoms persistently in the absence of any medical problem it might be because of STRESS!
1. Most important thing is to accept that stress might be playing a role.
2. Do not be in denial mode, and wait for things to get corrected by itself, symptoms can start suddenly, but it will not disappear just like that.
3. Recognize the source and personal contribution to stress ( family situation, work related, financial, kids, relationships etc).
4. Remember there are no quick fixes to reduction of stress except working on damage limitation strategies.
5. It involves commitment and motivation to remain healthy despite adversities around us.
6. Don't hide your problems. Share your feelings with someone or write a dairy.
7. Practice relaxation techniques regularly - Om chanting, pranayama, yoga, exercise, prayer etc.
8. Follow healthy nutritious diet pattern - lot of fruits, nuts, vegetables, pulses etc.
9. Try to repeat things which make you feel good - listening to music, reading, dancing etc.
10. Maintain a good sleep hygiene.
11. If things are worse or you feel it is hard to cope, seek help. Most of the situations can be dealt by counseling and guidance, but you should be open to it.
12. Life is beautiful, everybody is entitled to have a good life. Happiness is within us. Always remember if you do not take any initiative to make life better nobody can help you.