Getting started

  1. Losing weight requires patience and commitment.
  2. Get some professional help to be sure weight goals are realistic and nutritional needs for HIV are not compromised.
  3. Get physical—exercise is the best predictor of success.
  4. Become more aware of your food choices and eating behaviour. Think about what you are eating instead of operating on automatic. Some people find it helpful to keep a food journal and write down everything they eat.
  5. When eating, focus on it; don’t watch TV, read or do other activities. Beware of tastes and textures and feelings of satisfaction or fullness.
  6. Identify and change the things that stop you from making healthy food choices or getting exercise (e.g. don’t keep foods that you are trying to avoid, like potato chips or chocolate bars, in your home). Decide which are most important and then work on one at a time.
  7. Set realistic goals that will work and make them specific (e.g. instead of“I will eat more vegetables,” say “I will eat 3 portions of vegetables today”).
  8. Select three favourite low-calorie emergency snack foods and have them available for those times when you get hungry. Plan ahead so you don’t acton impulse when you get hungry.
  9. Portion your food out on a plate rather than eating from the package. You’ll be less likely to overeat.
  10. Try to plan meals and snacks. Make sure the groceries you buy help you eat according to your plan.
  11. Move your body.Walk, swim, bike or use the stairs more often. Regular daily exercise is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. Plus, you will be stronger, healthier and have better mental health.
  12. A slip is just a slip. Everyone has days when it’s hard to stick to the eating plan. Try to see it as a slip, not a failure, and start over again.

               #weightloss #foodchoices #setgoals #physicalexercise#chiropractic #vishwasvirmani