Berries are known to be extremely beneficial to health, and the strawberries, given their wide availability are more popular, especially in the Asian region. Whether as a raw fruit or in a salad, as a smoothie or an ice-cream, strawberries are liked by different people in different forms.

Read on to know some of the common benefits of these wonderful berries:

  1. Boost immunity: Rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, strawberries boost immunity significantly. A cup of strawberries is enough to get a complete day’s requirements of vitamin C.
  2. Controlled inflammation: The antioxidants and phytochemicals lower the ability of blood to develop higher cholesterol levels. They help reduce levels of C-reactive protein in the body system, which also controls inflammation. The risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke is reduced significantly.
  3. Digestive system: Given their high fibre content, it helps eat less and with reduced calories. It also promotes bowel movement and reduces intestinal inflammation. It also contains nitrate which improves blood flow and helps cleanse the system.
  4. Antihypertensive: Strawberries are rich in potassium, and this is highly beneficial in controlling blood pressure. Potassium and sodium act conversely, and by increasing potassium, sodium is reduced, which helps lower blood pressure.
  5. Controls cholesterol: The Ellagic acid and flavonoids are known to reduce low-density lipoprotein or LDL, which is harmful to the heart and overall health. They also reduce oxidative damage, which is a result of chronic inflammation leading to heart disease.
  6. Anti-ageing properties: The biotin in the strawberries also improve skin and hair quality and also promotes tissue regeneration. They promote collagen formation, which reduces wrinkles and improve skin tone and texture. Vitamin C and A are also responsible for its anti-ageing benefits.
  7. Stress management: The antioxidants, improved immunity, and reduced inflammation also lead to improved stress management.
  8. Heart health: The colour of the strawberries comes from flavonoids, which are the main reason for their heart health.
  9. Eye health: Strawberries have been shown to improve eye health by reducing incidents of cataracts, reduces the degree of macular degeneration, and reduces damage from sun exposure. The vitamin C also strengthens the eyes lens and retina, further contributing to eye health.
  10. Anti-cancer agent: Strawberries are specifically shown to reduce the incidence of esophageal cancer with their rich content of flavonoids, antioxidants, vitamin C, and most importantly ellagic acid. These suppress cancer cell growth and reduce free radicals in circulation thereby providing protection against cancer.
  11. Weight management: Not just for people who want to lose weight, but even on a preventive measure, strawberries are good for weight maintenance.

Those who want to prevent heart disease and diabetes should help themselves to strawberries.