1.  Take care of your nutritional needs. There are many vitamins and minerals, as well as protein, involved   in keeping bones strong.
  2.  Maintain a healthy body weight with a BMI between 20 and 25.
  3.  Get enough calcium from food plus supplements.
  4.   For prevention, aim for 1,000 mg of calcium a day.
  5.   During menopause, aim for 1,200 mg a day.
  6.   As treatment, aim for 1,500 mg a day.
  7.   Take calcium supplements with food and spread them over several meals for better absorption.  Calcium carbonate is the most common form of supplement and the most concentrated, which means  fewer pills to take. However,some people find it constipating and bloating. Calcium citrate may be  better absorbed and tolerated.
  8.  Magnesium is a component of bone and interacts with calcium. Whether it needs to be supplemented  is not certain. If calcium supplements are constipating, add 350 to 500 mg magnesium per day. If  loose stools are a problem, reduce magnesium supplements.
  9.  Get enough vitamin D. Sunshine is not a reliable source of vitamin D and dietary intake can’t be  counted on. Current recommendations are for 1,000 IU daily. Calcium supplements and multivitamins  contain vitamin D, so be sure to add up the D from all sources.
  10.  Weight-bearing exercise is critical to maintaining strong bones. This includes activities like walking,  running, skipping rope, weight lifting and skating. Even a few minutes of skipping rope a day will  stimulate bones to take up minerals.
  11.  Try to do less of the things that decrease bone health, like smoking, drinking alcohol, consuming  caffeine and eating salt.

         #healthybones #maintainBMI #takesupplements #cutoffsmoking #chiropractic #vishwasvirmani