1. Recognize the early warning signs of dehydration.
    These can include: dark yellow urine, loss of energy, dizziness, loss of coordination, cramps, headaches, or unusual fatigue. If left untreated, more extreme symptoms can occur.
  2. Allow for acclimation.
    Acclimation is the body's adaptation to a hot environment. Slowly increase practice intensity and duration over the first two weeks of training. Most cases of heat illness occur in the first 2 to 3 days of training.
  3. Drink up.
    Once acclimated, fluid intake needs to be greater because sweat losses will be higher.
  4. Have fluids within arm's reach.
    Fluids should be easily accessible during workouts, practices and games.
  5. Don't rely on thirst.
    Drink during exercise to minimize
  6. Favor sports drinks over water.
    Research demonstrates that the carbohydrate in sports drinks fuels muscle 2,3,4,5 and sodium encourages voluntary drinking and promotes hydration.1,6,7
  7. Drink it. Don't pour it.
    Pouring fluid over your head may feel great but won't help restore body fluids or lower body temperature.
  8. Exercise in the morning or evening.
    This is when the weather is coolest. Also, avoid the direct sun to minimize radiant heat from the sun and hot playing surfaces.
  9. Dress for the weather.
    Keeping cool in hot weather means wearing fewer clothes and frequently removing gear like helmets during breaks.
  10. Break it up.
    Increase the frequency and duration.