MBBS, MS - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
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Dr. Neelofer Shah is practicing as an Obstetrician & Gynecologist at Nakshatra Hospital Andheri West Mumbai. Her Vision of women and her health needs lead to Nakshatra Hospital which approaches women as a whole be it pregnancy, reproductive or sexual health issues. All of her needs are catered under one roof. She is an expert in managing complicated deliveries, high-risk Cesarean Section, Infertility Treatment(all kinds), Hysterectomy, PCOD treatment, and Laparoscopic Surgeries.
4, Ganesh Chowk, First Floor,Shiv Krupa, DN Nagar West Of Link Road, Landmark: Near Versova Police Station, Mumbai
Q: Where does Dr. Neelofer Shah practice?
A: Dr. Neelofer Shah practices at Nakshatra Multispeciality Hospital - Andheri West.
Q: What is Dr. Neelofer Shah's education qualification?
A: Dr. Neelofer Shah has the following qualifications - MBBS, MS - Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
Q: What does Dr. Neelofer Shah specialises in ?
A: Dr. Neelofer Shah specialises as Gynecologist/Obstetrician, Gynecologist, Obstetrician.
Q: How many years of experience does Dr. Neelofer Shah have?
A: Dr. Neelofer Shah has an overall experience of 8 years. View where has Dr. Neelofer Shah practiced in the past.
Q: Who is Dr. Neelofer Shah?
A: Dr. Neelofer Shah is practicing as an Obstetrician & Gynecologist at Nakshatra Hospital Andheri West Mumbai. Her Vision of women and her health needs lead to Nakshatra Hospital which approaches women as a whole be it pregnancy, reproductive or sexual health issues. All of her needs are catered under one roof. She is an expert in managing complicated deliveries, high-risk Cesarean Section, Infertility Treatment(all kinds), Hysterectomy, PCOD treatment, and Laparoscopic Surgeries.. View more details about the doctor on Practo.