Most people with fear of the dentist must have heard some dental myths or horror stories at some point in their lives which affected their consciousness. Such dental myths can affect a person’s perception of a dentist and what he does causing him or her to put off visits to the dentist. This could lead to serious oral health issues and long-term dental problems which could result to painful dental procedures.

Myth No. 1: Brushing before the dental appointment will make the dentist not notice that regular brushing is not done since the last dental visit.

Not following the recommended two-minute brushing twice daily will make the gums red, swollen and bleed easily, making it obvious to the dentist. There’s no way the dentist will not know that the patient is not brushing regularly.

Myth No. 2: If gums are bleeding, brushing and flossing should not be done.

The opposite is true. Regular brushing and flossing is needed to remove plaque build-up which causes gum bleeding. Bleeding is a sign of gum brokerage, more care must be practiced to avoid harder to treat oral problems. Professional dental cleaning may be required if the bleeding persists.

Myth No. 3: Having the wisdom teeth removed will prevent crowding of the teeth.

There are very few cases when wisdom teeth cause crowding of the teeth. In many cases, they don’t so removing them will not solve the crowding problem or will not re-straighten the teeth. If pain or discomfort is felt with the emerging wisdom teeth, a dental visit is necessary.

Myth No. 4: The more you brush the healthier your teeth will be.

Over-brushing the teeth can wear the teeth due to the abrasive property of toothpaste. This could lead to dental problems. In between the twice-a-day brushing regimen, rinse after eating and chew sugar free gum to avoid plaque build-up.

Myth No. 5: Children need not be taken to the dentist until they have their second tooth.

Dentists recommend that a child be taken to the dentist by the age of one for good advice on how to care for the child’s teeth and promote a healthy dental routine for life.