We all have the days where we plan to workout and know that we should, but when it's time to exercise suddenly we don’t feel like sticking to our commitment. It’s not that we don’t have 15 minutes to exercise; it’s just not our priority.
So How does one actually start exercising?
Little bit of willpower and lots of support from friends and family can help you get started and stay focused to honor your commitment.
Some people have less willpower or dedication to exercise. Some skip exercises too easily because of their busy schedule or busy lifestyle or being physically lazy. Skipping a workout once in a while is fine but it can become a hard to be in a workout, if you skip them too often.
In very broad terms, two elements are especially likely to influence whether we, as individuals, habitually exercise or not. One is, physique. People who are overweight or unfit tend to be less active than those who are not and as you put on more weight it gets that much more difficult to exercise. The other primary determinant of exercise is behavior. Behavior remains a mix of innate tendencies and personal choice. So, even if it is in your nature to enjoy long hours on the couch, you can choose to get up and move.
You need to incentivize your exercise routine. This could be the only way you can get up from your couch and get moving. Setting out the right incentive will help you get motivated and stick to your commitment for longer. Support from your family and friends can help you get the most effective incentives in place.
Lastly, the only way to finish your workout is to start. So, stop thinking and planning about it and just do it. Once you get started, you will feel great that you did it and when it's over, you feel even better. You don't have to go to the gym to get a good workout. It's all about moving more - however you do it. If you think about it, you're surrounded by many opportunities to get more active. For e.g. you can have a 20 minutes brisk walk after your meal at least 4-5 days in a week or you can just choose to take stairs to your office or house instead of the elevators or escalators.
Don’t think, just put on your shoes and go for exercise.