Whenever there is a  serious tooth infection, there are two treatment options available: endodontic treatment (root canal) or tooth extraction. Dental professionals agree that a root canal is the better choice for overall dental health.

Many patients with severe toothache often ask me to remove their tooth or get it extracted without knowing the side effects of the same. Although tooth extraction may seem to be a simpler choice, it can actually lead to complications in the long run. When a tooth is missing, the teeth next to it may shift their places to fill the newly-empty spot. If the surrounding teeth shift, it may lead to crooked teeth or a bad bite, and it can increase the patient’s risk of developing problems in the temporo mandibular joint, which can lead to difficulty in biting and chewing (as well as persistent problems including headaches, jaw clicking/ sticking/popping, ear pain, dizziness, ringing in the ears, etc.). Teeth that have shifted from their original positions may become loose more easily, and they tend to be more susceptible to dental problems.

In order to avoid these complications, most dentists advise that any tooth that has been removed should be replaced. Replacing a tooth that has been extracted with an artificial tooth may require a dental bridge or an implant. Consequently, the real alternative to a root canal treatment is a tooth extraction followed by replacing the lost tooth with a dental bridge, implant, or a removable partial denture (all of which are much more expensive than a root canal).

If  you as a  patient have been given a choice, it is always better to retain your  natural teeth by a root canal treatment .The simple reason being that  there is no point replacing your natural teeth by artificial ones, knowing the risks involved in extraction. 

Of course there are a few risks involved in root canal and I would suggest you to get a consultation bya n Endodontist, and if your endodontist suggests you a root canal you may go ahead saving your natural tooth. Endodontic treatment (root canal) has a well-established success rate, and treated teeth can be maintained for years after the initial treatment. Research has proven that poor oral health and tooth loss may lead to serious medical conditions. Because of this connection, it is important to take the correct measures to prevent tooth loss since it can help maintain better overall health. 

In the debate over whether a root canal or tooth extraction is the best choice, the winner seems clear –root canals are the best.