Doughnuts and bagels are fast becoming a popular evening snack in India. Traditionally, they are eaten for breakfast & dessert across the globe. A doughnut is a type of fried dough confectionery while bagel is like a bread product. The major difference between the two is that while the doughnut is deep fried the bagel is baked. Do you thinking baking can qualify anything as healthier? Lets find out.

In a way, both doughnuts and bagels are not healthy.

Doughnuts are deep fried and high in saturated fat. About 65% of total fat content present in doughnut comprises of saturated fat. They are also high in trans fat which is considered to be the worst type of fat. Unlike other fats, trans fat both raises your "bad" (LDL) cholesterol and lowers your "good" (HDL) cholesterol. A high LDL cholesterol level in combination with a low HDL cholesterol level increases your risk of heart disease.

On the other side, bagels are baked but are high in sodium content and consumption of extra sodium can lead you to many health problems like hypertension or water retention in the body. Here is a comparison of nutrients of doughnuts and bagels:

Nutrients100 gm doughnuts, yeast-leavened, glazed, enriched100 gm bagels, pain, enriched (including onion, poppy, sesame)Energy (Kcal)399257Total Fat (g)192Protein (g)610Total Carbohydrates (g)5151Sugar (g)205Dietary Fiber (g)22Sodium (mg)387448

Bagel is a healthier option than doughnut just like 101 is greater than 100. A multi-grain or whole-wheat bagel is a much healthier choice, since it will be higher in fiber and nutrients. Unhealthy toppings can also make bagels bad for you, while healthy ones can help make bagels a good choice for a snack. The most popular bagel toppings like cream cheese and butter are high in fat and empty calories, making them unhealthy additions to your bagel. However,low-fat peanut butter, low-fat cheese, reduced-sugar jam or fresh fruit can add flavor and interest to your bagel without piling on fat and sugar.