Papaya is a tropical fruit rarely known as papaw or pawpaw. Here are 10 benefits of papaya:                

  1. Anticarcinogenic property
    Papaya is a good source of phytonutrients, antioxidants, and flavonoids which prevent cancer. Several researchers found that papaya has a very good role in colon cancer if added with a soft diet prime recipe or even as a compulsory vegetable. It has a significant protective role in Prostate Cancer according to a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health's Department of Nutrition.

  2. Prevents cholesterol oxidation
     Papaya prevents the oxidation of cholesterol as it contains antioxidants. One standard sized papaya provides about 4.7 grams of fiber which controls weight, triglyceride, LDL. As Papaya has a green body with soft skin so one can easily digest & further that helps in constipation, bowel movements, so a fantastic laxative action with all-time enthusiasm.  

  3. Prevent lung inflammation
    Papayas have Vitamin A, which prevents lung inflammation. Choline, a Vitamin present in papaya boosts up memory including dementia and overall cognitive development.  

  4. Helps in arginine production
    Dried papaya boosts endocrine system and helps to form arginine in the body. Beta-carotene which is a red-orange pigment boost up the strength and stamina of our body apart from health of skin, nail, hair

  5. High fiber for weight reduction
    The high dietary fiber in papaya absorbs toxins & helps in bowel movement. A normal size of papaya has only 120 calories. Therefore, It will help you to lose weight.

  6. Relief from menstrual cramps
    Papain as an enzyme in papaya regulates menstrual flow and ease the cramps. Hence it has the wonderful benefits for regularity of menstruation of every month without any discomfort.

  7. Prevent muscular degeneration
    It contains Carotenoid and vitamin A, C, E which prevent age-related muscular degeneration. Zeaxanthin, the antioxidant found in papaya is very helpful for muscular degeneration by maintaining a proper structure of muscles and perfect growth of muscles, prevents bones, cartilages. The same antioxidant also helpful for eyes to protect from harmful blue rays light or UV rays.  

  8. Benefits in diabetes
    Papaya has low glycemic index, so vitamin and phytonutrient prevent heart disease and diabetes type I and II. One medium-sized papaya contains 30gm of Carbohydrates, 2 gm of Protein and 224% of daily needs of Ascorbic Acid, and these altogether can control the insulin level and maintain blood sugar levels at all times, even at an old age after 60 years. Needless to say, the patients who are suffering from Type II Diabetes or even Type I can get a very best protective response due to the presence of Fibers, Pantothenic Acid, Lycopene, Vitamin A and Vitamin E.

  9. Anti-ageing and Anti-stress property
    Papaya is the good source of Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Beta-carotene which prevent ageing. Ripe papaya contains a little more Vitamin K and that is good for anti-ageing, no consumption of papaya may be seen ageing even at the age of 25 years or lack of glow due to excess daily stress.

  10. Immunity booster
    Papaya is full of antioxidants like all specific Multivitamins, Vitamin C, Tocopherol, Vitamin B4 and B5 which help to boost immunity.

Remember the limitations also: 

  • As per studies, any type (raw or ripe) of papaya can heat up the body, so it is recommended not to consume during pregnancy of all the trimesters and also, in the case of history or future chances of miscarriage.
  • The sweetness inside a papaya also should be checked not to raise the sugar levels of diabetic patients and proper cooking is also necessary without adding of too many spices, to get the right percentage of benefits at all times.

Finally, do not forget to incorporate this fruit cum vegetable into your entire families' daily meals, otherwise, you would miss all the benefits.