Running is a great exercise, but many people who don't like to run for multiple reasons: its too hot, its boring, don't have a good place to run, too polluted to run outside, running is not for me (even though they haven't tried it after they turned 8) and our favorite, 'I do not like to sweat'.
So, try stair climbing as an exercise. Stairs are easy to access. Most of us live in cities with plenty of high rises around us. Even a 5-6 story building is a good place to start, or a stadium. Our homes, offices, malls all have stairs. So, there are plenty of opportunity to use them.
Stair Climbing as an exercise: Walk up the stairs briskly. Take the elevator down and repeat. If you're in good physical shape, try running them. When you can't run anymore, keep a brisk pace walking up those stairs. Its one of the best cardio exercises and its a great muscle builder. Running stairs or even climbing them briskly is a serious workout. Gets your heart pumping and builds those ignored leg muscles- the calves, quads, hamstrings and even the glutes. Stair climbing gives you great calves to show off your hot legs in shorts or a skirt and gives you a great butt. We all love a good butt :)
Stair Climbing a complete fat scorching exercise and calorie burning exercise. Its short and intense- burns fat, builds muscle.
Even if you enjoy running, try stair climbing for cross training. Since it really pushes you leg muscles, it helps to build them and improve speed.
Stair climbing sounds daunting- try going up a couple of floors. Its not easy to start, but keep at it. When you see yourself getting hotter, you won't need motivation from anyone else!