Is there a viral infection going around cause of which you are dreading to send your child to school? Most of your colleagues seem to be sneezing is making you fearful of going to office? Now, you can grow past those worries. Here comes a list of herbs that will strengthen your body’s defense forces so can you be your kicking self all the time. Eating these wonder foods everyday will keep the doctor away.

Our immune system does a great job of keeping us healthy and preventing infections. However, we need to support it with the right foods so it works better and in turn helps us in the process.

  1. Garlic – this grandmother’s ally has immense infection fighting ability. Being a natural detoxicant, unlike antibiotics there are no side effects. It protects our body against bacterial and viral infections. The three powerful compounds (allicin, ajoene and thiosulfinates) contained in it helps the body prevent and fight infections. In the mornings or as an after office snack you could toast up a slice of bread. Spread butter on it and sprinkle raw minced garlic over it. Relish a super garlic toast. Have you ever tried making some sauce by combining this herb with an egg yolk and some oil? Doesn’t it sound yum? If you can eat a clove of raw garlic in the morning, pick up that habit.

  2. Ginger – spicing up your meals with ginger is a great way for boosting your immune system naturally. It helps to cleanse the lymphatic system and prevent the accumulation of toxins in our body organs. The quickest way to incorporate ginger in your diet it to add finely chopped ginger to boiled water, let it steep for 2-3 minutes. Strain out ginger and sip good health. Sprinkle dried ginger into any salad dressing or add finely chopped pieces to soups.

  3. Turmeric – If there’s a healer sitting on your kitchen shelf it is this yellow herb. Curcumin, the active ingredient present in turmeric, is anti-viral and anti-fungal. Whenever you use turmeric, add black pepper also to the recipe. This will increase your body’s absorption of turmeric significantly. Eggs can be scrambled using butter and turmeric can be sprinkled over it. Don’t forget to add the pepper while you add salt. If you are a rice lover, adding turmeric to rice also adds good flavor. Curries and soups with a pinch of turmeric in them is the best way to include this root in daily diet.

  4. Basil (Tulsi) – Worshiped in most Indian homes eating the leaves of this herb every morning is a sure shot way to keep diseases at bay. It contains a wide range of essential oils rich in phenolic compounds that gives it the immune boosting properties. It stimulates liver cells to increase the appetite. Also, gives relief from cirrhosis and other infections of the liver. Whether adding it to pasta or to soups or while making pesto sauce it complements every food. Dried basil can be easily added to any dish including the chicken recipes.

  5. Oregano (dried ajwain) – doesn’t that pizza or garlic bread always taste better when this Italian herb is sprinkled over them? At least, I love it that way! Rosmarinic acid, which is a strong antioxidant found in oregano supports immune system health. It also has compounds that inhibits inflammation. Studies have shown it to be beneficial for conditions including osteoporosis and arteriosclerosis. You can garnish your omelettes with oregano. Oregano also goes great with sautéed mushrooms and onions too.

  6. Barley – loaded with beta-glucan which is a special fiber compound that has powerful antioxidant properties, you must consume this regularly. Barley water is known to be good for kidneys and also to treat arthritis and rheumatic diseases. It speeds wound healing and is thought to make antibiotics more effective. Boil barley until soft, strain the extract; add lemon or orange flavor and little bit of sugar if needed. You can refrigerate it and drink a glass daily.
Rebuild your immune system by adding these natural superfoods daily in rotation. Adding these disease-fighting punch is the secret to a healthy family. And, healthy families are happy families. Aren’t they?