Cigarette smoking was linked with appetite suppression. For decades, tobacco firms have connected weight loss process with smoking to target a large population of women. It is true that nicotine works as an appetite suppressant which can impact on individual’s eating habits. The reason behind this is smoking affects our heart rate, blood pressure and gastric motility which decreases our food intake. 

Insulin levels in an individual’s bloodstream decline because of insulin. This reduces the craving for sugary foods. It also influences the adrenaline on the stomach’s musculature causing a temporary feeling of subsided hunger.

Girls and Smoking 

Adolescent girls who engage in risky behavior for weight control or strongly value to remain thin are on the greater chance to initiate smoking. Girls with negative body perceptions are also stepping towards the smoking. However, even the weight management reason can’t be justified in front of the vulnerable side effects of smoking. One should always remember, smoking gives a slow death to the person who loves it. There are numerous of effects on the body due to smoking. Here we are providing the list of organs and systems that get affected due to smoking. Now you have more reasons to quit smoking. 

Effects of Smoking on Body Organs and System 

Smoking cigarettes affect your musculoskeletal system, immune system, circulatory system, respiratory system and sexual organs. It increases the inflammation and irritation of the intestines and stomach. It also increases the chances of troublesome ulcers along the digestive tract. It reduces the taste and smelling ability, increases the risk of blindness, gum disease. Smoking also causes premature wrinkling of the skin.

Effects of Smoking on Babies 

Maternal smoking increases the risk of stillbirth, miscarriage, and premature birth. It also increases the risk of low birth weight. Low birth weight is linked with a high chance of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and overweight in adulthood. There is a big chance of cleft lip and palate. If the non-smoking mother is made public to the second-hand smoke, it can harm the fetus. If a partner pursues to smoke during their child’s first year, it will increase the chances of respiratory problems, ear infections, meningococcal disease and sudden infant death syndrome. 

How Nicotine Gum Helps to Quit Smoking?

Are you thinking to quit smoking? Well, chewing nicotine gum can help you out. Researchers believe it as a replacement for smoking. It used to present oral gratification which is similar to smoking habit.  Nicotine gum comes in individual packed foil containers. The gum usually comes with 2mg or 4mg of nicotine in every piece. It is equal to the quantity of nicotine in 1-2 cigarettes. 2mg nicotine gum is for people with low cigarette consumption, and 4mg nicotine gum is for people with heavy usage.

How to Use Nicotine Gum? 

To get rid of smoking, you should chew the nicotine gum 15-20 minutes after drinking and eating. Continue to chew till it becomes soft and starts releasing tingling sensation and peppery taste. This is the sign that you have to place the chewed nicotine gum between your cheek and gums. Leave the gum there for some time. If the tingling sensation starts diminishing, chew it again until it comes back. Repeat this cycle up to 30 minutes. For heavy cigarette users, one can consume one nicotine gum per hour but try to diminish it at every time interval. However, quitting smoking also has a side effect. 

Weight Gain after Quitting Smoking  

You might have heard the pretext, I can quit smoking, but I don’t prefer to go up a pants size. The process of increase in weight after quitting smoking has become a grave concern. It is true that a large number of people do gain weight after quitting, but only to a modest amount. If the weight gain is more than a kg per month, it will be better to visit a doctor or a dietitian.  

If you are planning to quit the smoking while not gaining the weight, then don't worry that it’s possible. You have to follow a weight management approach with the primary strategy to keep yourself healthy. You just need a realistic goal to encourage healthy eating and to get enough sleep. It can be a challenging situation to manage weight while quitting cigarettes. However, a little effort and commitment can present you a better life with no disease or weight concern.

Here are few diet suggestions for those who have quit smoking and didn't want to gain weight. 

Eat whole grain foods, vegetables, and fruit.  Cut back on high-salt, high-fat and sugar products. The best way to avoid them is by not storing them in your kitchen.  Increase the intake of roughage, leafy greens, cabbage, sprouts, carrots and beetroot. Increase intake of Vitamin B, E and C. The enriched antioxidants help to diminish the destructive effects of smoking.  Go for multivitamins, B complexes, and Vitamin C tablets. 

Remember, smoking is a habit which drains your money and kills you slowly, one puff followed by another. Quit Smoking, Start Living.