The topic is familiar to most parents today. And in fact to anybody who lives around a child in the house. Children today are more addicted to screens today than they ever were. Screens can include television, mobile, or computer screens.

The most important reason is obviously the increased number of gadgets in a household and the content available 24×7 to pacify your child. But is it the right thing to do? Dr Neha Bansal is of the view that it is rather not.


Screen addition can cause the following problems in your child sooner or later in life:

⦁ Eyesight gets weak in early years of life and they keep on getting weaker.

⦁ It causes a headache if not monitored for hours at a go.

⦁ Clinically proven it affects the workings of the child’s mind.

⦁ It affects the child’s creative abilities.

⦁ The child stops thinking for self and adapts everything he sees on the screen.

⦁ Cut off from the real world.

⦁ The radiations from mobile phones and wi-fi networks causes harm to children health.

⦁ Food habits are affected adversely.

How can this be helped?