The pandemonium of COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected every human on this planet. Amidst infodemic of healthcare blogs and expert comments, it is difficult for the common person to decide the correct prevention protocol for COVID-19. As novel corona virus[2019-n-Cov] is a new virus, robust scientific evidence to decide the prevention protocols are not presently available. COVID-19 poses a low threat at ‘individual-level’ and high risk at ‘population-level’, due to low pathogenicity and high infectivity. Appropriate self-care for disease prevention at individual levels can stop transmission of disease in the community.

COVID-19 crisis needs a comprehensive approach. ‘While closely approaching a tree, one should not lose view of the forest’. A medical expert should not only talk about the positive side of their respective fields. In today’s testing times, experts should provide a fair, balanced and unbiased opinion in the interest of humankind. The turf battles between different forms of medicine should take a backseat. This is the time to evolve a ‘middle path’, which integrates the best available options, backed with science and common sense. Scientific evidence gathered from Allopathy integrated with the age-old wisdom of Ayurveda is the best approach for protection against COVID-19. 

Despite my training in Allopathic Medicine, I have immense interest and respect for Ayurveda and Yoga with basic understanding of its timeless concepts and practices. I firmly believe in the huge potential of lifestyle medicine for disease prevention. As a Clinical Radiologist, I have seen cross-sectional anatomy of the human body and observed alterations in human physiology during the disease processes in ‘black and white’ through the ‘256 shades of grey’ for the last 20 years. The prevention protocol for COVID-19 should be based on lifestyle decisions and supported by available scientific evidence and common sense reasoning. 

The outlined integrated healthcare approach may provide a ray of hope to humankind in these uncertain times:

STRICTLY FOLLOW ‘SOCIAL DISTANCING’ AND ADOPT ‘NAMASTE’: Social distancing measures need to be followed. As human is a social creature, they need not socially distance themselves from family and friends. ‘Physical distancing’ of at least 6 feet and wearing face masks is mandatory to break the virus transmission chain.  

As the cycle of life brings new normals by virtue of change, the world needs to adapt to new norms to avoid infections, new ways of life, and new forms of human interactions. Now is the time to adopt the ‘Namaste ’culture to minimize further spread of infections.   

PERSONAL HYGIENE ANDCLEANLINESS MEASURES: As ‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’; personal hygiene measures are important. Frequent handwashing is the best way for protection from infections. Appropriate use of soap and water or an alcohol-based (at least 60%) hand sanitizer with scrubbing for at least 20 seconds is mandatory. Sir William Osler has mentioned 100 years ago, that “soap, water, and common sense are the disinfectants”, which is even applicable today. 


The innermost lining of our airways (mucosa) has an intrinsic environment, which depends upon the degree of acidity/alkalinity, temperature, humidity and bacterial flora. These factors need to remain in balance to maintain the state of perfect mucosal health which can offer a strong local barriers to Coronavirus. The inciting factors, like excessive exposure to cold and moisture, may lead to their imbalance. The body’s response to this imbalance causes inflammation – ‘mucositis’. The mucosa becomes vulnerable to the attacks of respiratory pathogens and clinical disease may manifest. Ayurveda suggests several household remedies to maintain balance of local mucosal factors and perfect mucosal health, which are cheap, easy to perform and usually safe. These measures may provide protection against COVID-19.  


Adaptive immunity to Corona-virus is not expected in human without the vaccines. Till then, prevention against COVID-19 essentially depends on our innate immunity - broad non-specific immune response against all pathogens. Innate immunity is the first line of defense against 2019-nCov. The strength of immunity depends upon genetic composition, nutrition, mental health and environmental factors. Though we cannot alter the genetics and environmental factors, we can certainly control the nutritional status and mental health.  Ayurveda emphasis the healing powers of Mother Nature and advocates the use of several herbs which can enhance innate immunity. It is important to understand that moderation is the key for the consumption of Ayurvedic herbs. Balanced diet should include prescribed dosage of Vitamin C, Zinc,Vitamin E, Vitamin D, probiotics, proteins and anti-oxidants which are known to boost respiratory immunity. The required dosage may also be achieved with use of dietary supplements, but natural sources are always better in terms of bioabsorption and bioavailability. Fresh fruits and vegetables are great source of essential vitamins, minerals, fibres and antioxidants.  Nuts, seeds and dry fruits are excellent substitute for daily snacks and are truly ‘nature’s fast food’.  

India is the land of spices with wide varieties of spices available in the Indian Kitchen. These aromatic spices are integral part of conventional Indian cooking. Apart from providing great taste and color to the food, these spices offer enormous health benefits including the anti-microbial actions.  With globalization, an increasing number of Indians have adopted the western food trends and ignored the goodness of conventional Indian foods. COVID-19 crisis is the time to redefine our priorities and bring appropriate changes in the dietary and cooking habits for a healthy living.

 “It is always better to eat food as medicine, than eating medicine as food”. 


Lessons from the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic makes it very clear that COVID-19 will remain a cause of concern for at least a year or so till the vaccine is available. Moreover,corona viruses will still remain in nature with rich reservoirs in bats and rodents and will remain a threat for pandemics in future.We need to understand the importance of lifestyle choices in determining our innate immunity. This is the time when society need to act and every individual need to incorporate healthy lifestyle and bring lifestyle modifications. It is important to adapt to healthy practices to derive maximum benefits from the NUTRITION in our diet.

Cut the CRAP [CRAP is the acronym for the foods, which contain empty calories but also contain ingredients that deprive the body of essential nutrients] : AVOID CARBONATED DRINKS, REFINED SUGAR, ARTIFICIAL COLORS & FLAVORS AND PROCESSED FOOD PRODUCTS.

Ensuring optimal HYDRATION is one of the most basic things you can do for your health.  Regular EXERCISE develops muscle strength and posture, reduces body fat, improves digestion and sleep, boosts the immune system and may slow the aging processes. Yoga should be performed daily with combination of stretching exercises and coordinated breathing (Pranayam) alongwith persistent practice of ‘Mindful Meditation’. This will ensure good physical and mental health which are essential ingredients of strong immune functions. 

Remember, “FOOD is the most abused anti-anxiety drug and EXERCISE is the most underutilized antidepressant”.

The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda is often viewed with suspicion by the Modern Medicine, as the Ayurvedic practices have never been examined in a scientific way and are often based on observations and experimentation. The practice of hypothesis testing and establishing cause-effect relationship is not always feasible in Ayurveda because the protocols are often personalized and based on the body constitution .Ayurveda-based prevention protocols cannot be ignored, for paucity of scientific evidence, if they are backed with science and common sense reasoning. Fresh Air and sunlight have helped the humankind during the 1918 Spanish flu and are likely to play preventive role in COVID-19 as well. The scientific evidence and validation to substantiate this fact is neither available nor necessary.   

Despite the unique challenges brought about by a large population with illiteracy, religious heterogeneity and socio-economic disparities, India’s bold and efficient governance ensured prompt and effective measures to fight COVID-19 pandemic. Indian healthcare is in the best position to adopt and integrate the best medical practices from the treasure trove of Ayurveda and the clinical excellence of Allopathic Medicine. In fact, India should lead the global humanity in this war against the COVID-19 pandemic and the future pandemic threats with an ‘INTEGRATED HEALTHCARE APPROACH’.


HEALTHY INDIA will provide strong foundation for a Stronger India and Stronger World. 

Let’s INTEGRATE the best of Allopathy & Ayurveda to fight COVID-19.