Self-ligating braces are placed much like conventional braces, with the exception of ligature: No elastic or rubber bands or metal ties are present because they are not needed. Instead, special clips or brackets are used to help the archwire move your teeth into place. The clips allow greater freedom of tooth movement; thereby they might reduce the discomfort that is sometimes associated with a traditional ligature. A simple adjustment is made to the brackets or clips, which saves time and causes less discomfort during routine visits with your orthodontist.

With self-ligating braces, visits to your orthodontist could be less frequent, and will potentially cause less discomfort than with traditional braces. The good news is that self-ligating braces are easier to keep clean due to the lack of elastic, rubber, or metal ties, but taking time to brush and floss as you would with regular braces is still a necessary and beneficial part of your daily routine.