Hypertension (high blood pressure) refers to the pressure that bloodapplies to the inner walls of the arteries. High blood pressure is based on theaverage of two or more properly measured blood pressure readings at each of twoor more visits after an initial screening.Obesity is the increase in the body fat and occurs in both the sexes andcan affect any age group. There are several factors which are associated withincreasing the amount of body fat that results in obesity. Weight gain occurswhen one eats more calories than your body uses. The most important causes aregenetic, metabolic, psychological, socio-cultural, sedentary lifestyle and highcaloric nutrition factors.Obesity increases the risk of the development of hypertension. There arethree facets of obesity-hypertension nexus. First is the potential mechanismsby which obesity can lead to elevated arterial pressure. Central adiposity, inparticular, is the dominant risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes,which routinely clusters with hypertension because of common underlyingpathophysiology.It is important to understand that obesity related hypertension leads toa multiple factor disorder. It is most likely that obesity leading to metabolicdysfunction and a possible renal factor may lead to hypertension observed inobese people.To control the obesity related hypertension, critical weight loss is aneffective way of managing the condition. Weight loss will lead to a significantlowering of blood pressure. It is important to work from the beginning beforehypertension leads to other cardiovascular risks in obese patients. It is alsoimportant that a global strategy be developed for management of obesity and itsfurther complication into other cardiovascular risks.It is clear that obesity-related hypertension is a multi-factorialdisorder. At this time, it is not possible to identify one single mechanism asthe dominant aetiological factor. Genesis and evolution of obesity-relatedco-morbidity presumably depend on several genetic and environmental factors. Itis likely that obesity, hypertension and metabolic abnormalities interact andpotentiate their individual impact on cardiovascular risk.