Dr. Geetika Chopra - Founder of Magic Dietitian

By starting with just one clinic 12 years back to four this year, she would say God has been kind to her and to her clients. With technology taking over and crippling the health of many, every second person is heading towards the obese category. It has been alarming by the rate with which not just the adults but even the children have taken an acceptance to processed and junk food resulting in serious repercussions on health.

We are proud to feature Geetika Chopra in our International Coffee table book. Keeping this in mind her clients at 'Magic Dietitian' come for any of the listed diet plans -'Weight loss','Weight Gain','Detox',Anti-aging',Therapeutic Diets (Diabetics,Lactation,High Blood Pressure,Pregnancy,Thyroid,PCOD etc),'Special Diet plans for children and Adolescence' and 'Celeb Diet Plans'. The plans are customised and prescribed on client's blood group and keeping their medical issues (if any) in mind.

Dr. Geetika Chopra is a Dietitian/Nutritionist and Sports Nutritionist in Lajpat Nagar, Delhi and has an experience of 13 years. 

Magic Dietitian knows that we do one thing every day, EAT! So how does the food we love help or harm us? Let our food experts show you the best way to live through great nutrition and delicious food.We pride ourselves in helping clients enjoy what they eat in the best way for everyday health. Even if you have a limited diet and health issues that prevent you from certain foods, The magic dietitian will create a magic plan that is safe and enjoyable.Cleaner eating is the most natural way to a longer life. In our fast paced lives “balanced nutrition” and “fresh” are hard to find. 

Our practical and simple way of showing clients that eating healthier is easy and enjoyable.Ever wonder why you can’t stick with a one-size-fits-all diet plan? Because there’s no such thing. We custom-design an individual plan for you; one that fits your lifestyle, your budget, and your specific goals.There are 3 reasons so many doctors recommend us: we’re professional experts, respectful listeners, and we’re committed to supporting you every step of the way, every day.

If you think you can’t afford a dietitian, think about this:

How much money did you spend on food this month?

Did it make you feel healthy?

Did you throw any of it away?

Stop wasting food, time, and money on empty calories, and start living a fuller, healthier life, one plate at a time.

Some of the clients of Dr. Geetika Chopra who adopted her Diet Plans on a regular basis and here are the


Consult Dietitian Today - Dr. Geetika Chopra

Read about her in our International Coffee Table.

Book - 'Influential Women of the World - Making a Difference'