Winter season though considered healthy season bring its own gamut of eye problems. People often try to stay warm by wearing woollen clothes and sometimes neglect eyes which are exposed to the cold environment.

Factors that affect eyes during winters

1. Dry Air:

During winters, the air becomes colder and can’t hold enough atmospheric water vapour (humidity). When the air is dry, the eye which is covered by tear film loses moisture and can become dry, dehydrated and irritated.

2. Reflected UV Radiation:

UV exposure from direct sunlight poses risk for skin cancer and cataracts in eyes. UV radiation, when  reflected from the snow, may cause damage to retina leading to snow blindness

3. Hot Air:

When we heat our homes, the dry air present outside gets in. This Warm dry air is even more dehydrating than cool dry air. This air when recirculated along with microbiological flora present indoors may cause irritation to eyes.

Steps to ensure safe and healthy eyes during winter:

1.     Keep your eyes moist: 

  • Sit away from heat source
  • Cold compresses will help
  • Use artificial tears frequently

2.     Wear sunglasses with UV protection:

  • Wear sunglasses with UV protection
  • Use hat or cap 
  • Avoid contact lens if possible

These  simple precautions will not only  keep your eyes healthy but also protect your eyes from any harmful effect of cold. Enjoy winters BUT with care