Are you in irritable mood often? Do you crave for that piece of chocolate or that lipsmacking chaat or some awesome pie all of a sudden? Do you get anxious often or feel terribly sad for no reason and happy in the very next hour? Do you get that puffy feel or bloating many days in the month?  Is your menstrual cycle irregular or there is change in the flow?

These and many such questions boil down to one syndrome 'Hormonal imbalance' 

What are hormones? 

Hormones are chemical messengers that trigger many different processes, including growth,  energy assimilation and production as well as tissue repair and many more. Often, the job of one hormone is to signal the release of another hormone.

When these hormones get out of balance,  one hormone change triggers another, which changes another. 

For example: When sex hormones get out of balance. Normally, the ovaries make a tiny amount of male sex hormones (androgens). In some Hormonal disorder like pcos, they start making slightly more androgens. This may cause you to stop ovulating, get acne, and grow extra facial and body hair.

In most Hormonal disruptions,  insulin action gets affected making it resistant. When the body doesn't use insulin well, blood sugar levels go up. 

How does one figure out the imbalance? 

  • Sleep problems: Sleep apnea or disturbed sleep is an outcome of reduction in progesterone hormone. 
  • Acne: Sudden acne eruptions which are chronic in nature i. e. Stay for longest time are a result of high testosterone. 
  • Memory fog: Foggy memory or hazy memories,  inability to remember recent incidents is common in estrogen: progesterone imbalance. 
  • Digestive problems: Stomach bloating,  Irritable bowel syndrome, nausea  etc is often seen when either estrogen and progesterone drop or increase. 
  • Fatigue: Extreme unexplainable tiredness is often due to an increase in progesterone and reduction in thyroid stimulating hormone. 
  • Mood swings: Again an outcome of estrogen and progesterone disruption
  • Increased appetite and hunger: outcome of reduced estrogen and reduced letting hormone. 
  • Sudden weight gain: most common in reduced estrogen and letting. 

Other signs are vaginal Dryness,  breast changes,  abnormal food cravings etc

These imbalances are most often seen in late 40s and early 50s but due to increased stress levels, pollution, irregular and erratic eating pattern, lifestyle problems and exposure to synthetic estrogen through food (xenoestrogens) we are seeing many cases in early 30s and late twenties as well. 

The most common disorders or outcomes of Hormonal imbalance are

  • PCOD/PCOS (polycystic ovarian disease or syndrome) 
  • Hypothyroid and Hyperthyroid
  • Early menopause
  • Mid thirties peri menopause

Hormone balance is deeply connected to the food we eat, the exercise we get, the toxins we absorb, the weight we carry, and the stress levels we put up with. 

How these multiple factors impact the overall hormone picture is crucial, particularly at midlife when most hormone production is taken over by the adrenal glands. If stress takes center stage in our lives and becomes chronic, cortisol floods the system and total hormone production lags. This forces the body to steal from its own supplies of available progesterone, to make more cortisol, thus depleting this key balancing hormone with obvious implications for estrogen dominance. 

Lifestyle approaches to manage Hormonal imbalance and prevent insulin resistance:

  • Throw out the bad carbs—the bread, the chips, the fries, and the white sugar for whole grains, pulses, vegetables and high fiber fruits. 
  • Eat a high protein breakfast and make sure you have some high quality protein at every meal. 
  • Eat slowly and stop before you are full.  Let your stomach signal the brain to produce satiety hormones so wait.. 
  • Supplements like chromium and alpha lipoic acid as well as Apple cider or coconut cider vinegar work well in insulin resistance and to improve blood sugar balance. 
  • Meal frequency upto 5 to 6 meals make wonders to control blood sugar and unexpected cravings. 

Top Foods to Balance Your Hormones

1. Coconut, flax, olive and groundnut Oil 

Yes calories are good ;)  These oils are definitely effective foods to start your journey to healthier skin and more balanced hormones. They provide your body with the essentials for hormone production. Further they have higher satiety and gives you a fuller feel faster thereby controlling over eating. Further they give rise to ketones as their metabolites which in turn keep your insulin resistance in check as well make you slimmer. My favorite way to get my daily oil is to mix it in my coffee every morning, or you can add it to your smoothies and of course salads :) 

2. Almonds 

Almonds are stuffed with vitamin E which helps improve the appearance and condition of your skin; while also helping to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. They also contain zinc, which balances your mood swings.  Vitamin E also happens to be an antioxidant, which cleverly works to keep your arteries clear of harmful free radicals. 

3. Eggs 

Eggs have been proven to increase levels of HDL cholesterol or ‘the good kind of Cholesterol’. This type of cholesterol is the building block of hormone creation. Eggs are also a fantastic protein source, and hold a cornucopia of your everyday essential vitamins. Among these vitamins are choline, lutein, and iodine, which are most important for healthy, full, and functional skin cells.

4. Whole-grain foods 

Go back to your basics.. Barra rotis,  jowar bhakris,  misaligned,  usual etccc They taste good and they make you look and feel good. What’s not to like ;)  Just make sure you go for true, natural, whole grain bread, pasta and cereals. These are rich in B Vitamins which promote cell production, thus making your skin look radiant and dewy. If having beautiful skin isn’t enough to make you happy, then the serotonin (a calming hormone, produced from tryptophan, which is found in whole-grains) can lift your mood and the Fibre can knock off that belly fat too. 

5. Coconut Water 

If I had my way I would make it a national drink for all.  It is one miraculous thing which takes care of your bloating,  cravings,  hydration,  blood pressure,  hot flushes.. Phew.. And much more. So make it a part of your daily ritual :) 

6. All greens 

No wonder green is a Colour of envy.. Yes green veggies will make others envious of you ;) Green leaves like Methi Spinach,  Cauliflower greens,  Radish greens,  Lettuce,  Rocket leaves, Broccoli,  Cabbage,  Asparagus is rich in vitamin C and vitamin E as well as folate,  magnesium,  potassium, iron (though iron bio availability is poor)  . These vitamins aid with collagen production and UV ray protection, fight Weightloss,  add blissful Fibre,  are nature anti aging foods 

7. Water 

The most under a rated nutrient is essential to keep your bloating,  puffiness,  digestive issues at bay.  Better guzzle at least 3 lines in a day. 

8. Sweet Lime 

High in vitamin C like orange so extremely beneficial to the skin. It is needed to create collagen or ‘skin protein’ and helps stop hyper-aging free-radicals from wreaking havoc on your body. But moreover it is specially super good for its potassium content.  It gives you that light and good feel especially before and during your menses. 

9. Avocados 

Avocados are super at moisturizing your skin’s epidermal layer, making it look beautifully radiant. The omega 9 fats found in avocados help to repair damaged skin cells and calm redness and irritation. They are also packed with fiber, potassium, magnesium, folic acid and vitamin E, C and B-vitamins – all of which are needed for maintaining hormonal balance in the body.

10. Fish 

All seafood including shellfish is actually full of the zinc your body needs to produce testosterone. It also is a huge factor in skin renewal and repair. Fishes like salmon,  sardines,  powered,  mackerel are especially good for their good omega 3 content. 

11. Garlic 

Garlic contains allicin which helps to kill off harmful bacteria and viruses in your body, including acne and other skin infections. As if that wasn’t enough, garlic also plays a role in blood pressure and sugar control. 

12. Dark Chocolate 

Dark chocolate moisturizes skin, reducing redness and roughness. The cocoa flavanols in dark chocolate help fight sleep deprivation, fatigue, and the effects of aging. You know why eating chocolate makes you feel so good? Well that’s because it reduces your stress hormones.

13. Chaste berry (vitex) 

(Women only) Coming from a little known Mediterranean flower bush, this fruit works by halting the release of prolactin from the pituitary gland. High prolactin levels have been known to cause irregular menstrual cycles or even the absence of periods, as well as acne. This berry is rarely found in India 

14. Banana

This tropical fruit is a great start for morning.  It packs impressive amount of potassium,  magnesium,  manganese which makes it a best bet to fight Hormonal imbalance side effects. 

15. Green Tea 

You’ve got good reason to curl up with a cup of green tea. This soothing drink is packed with antioxidants, and studies have revealed that the polyphenolic compounds in green tea are anti-inflammatory, and fight against the production of skin tumors.

16. Yogurt 

It contains vitamin A, which is essential for skin health. Yogurt also has fantastic probiotic qualities which can truly help your skin and slim your waistline. Also, there have been some reports that say ingesting high probiotic yogurt, like kefir, is a natural cure for acne.

17. Walnuts 

There is a reason why walnuts look like a brain. It’s because they are in fact a ‘brain food.’ Just eating a quarter of a cup of walnuts increases melatonin and serotonin levels. These two neurotransmitters are connected to mood, sleep and cognitive functioning. In addition to this, walnuts are packed with B-vitamins which are conducive to smoother skin, shinier hair, brighter eyes, and stronger bones. Pop them on your salad, pasta, or dessert, or even chomp on them alone for a healthy snack.

18. Gelatin 

An incomparable source of calcium, magnesium and phosphate. This jiggly treat aids hormone production and digestive health. It also reduces inflammation in joints and has loads of collagen for skin repair. This is the perfect dessert to top off your new healthy diet!

19. Adaptogen Herbs 

Adaptogen herbs are a unique class of healing plants that promote hormone balance and protection the body from a wide variety of diseases, including those caused by excess stress. In addition to boosting immune function and combating stress, research shows that various adapotogens — such as ashwagandha, medicinal mushrooms, rhodiola and holy basil — can:

  • Improve thyroid function
  • Lower cholesterol naturally
  • Reduce anxiety and depression.
  • Reduce brain cell degeneration.
  • Stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels.

20. Vitamin D3

According to an article from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vitamin D3’s role in promoting health is more profound than previously suspected. 

Researchers found that vitamin D has an impact in the following ways:

It affects “the adaptive immune system, the innate immune system, insulin secretion by the pancreatic β cell, multifactorial heart functioning and blood pressure regulation, and brain and fetal development.” Vitamin D almost acts like a hormone inside the body and has important implications for keeping inflammation levels low. This is why people who live in dark areas often suffer from seasonal depression and other health problems unless they supplement with vitamin D. Sunshine is really the best way to optimize vitamin D levels because your bare skin actually makes vitamin D on its own when exposed to even small amounts of direct sunlight. 

Most people should supplement with around 2,000 IU to 5,000 IU daily of vitamin D3 if they live in dark areas, during the winter, and on days when they’re not in the sun.

Final thoughts on Hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalances affect millions of women worldwide most commonly between late twenties to early fifties, in the forms of common disorders like diabetes, PCOD, thyroid disorders, menstrual irregularities, infertility, low testosterone and estrogen dominance

Symptoms include feeling anxious, tired, irritable, gaining or losing weight, not sleeping well and noticing changes in your sex drive, focus and appetite.

Causes for hormonal Imbalances include poor gut health, inflammation, high amounts of stress, genetic susceptibility, and unhealthy lifestyle. 

Natural treatments include eating an anti-inflammatory diet, consuming enough omega-3s, getting good sleep, exercising and controlling stress. 

Keep rocking! But not your hormones ;)