This article specially for the young readers who are facing the problems of Acne or Pimples. This is the age when most of the young boys and girls can face this common problem and in this age nobody want to look ugly due to Pimples on face-

If you are suffering from Pimples or Acne or may have possibilities of Acne or Pimples here are 3 important tips that definitely help you to reduce the pimples and also if you are on the risk f it it shall help you to prevent this young age problem...

1. Wash Your Face with normal water frequently.

Most of the youngsters are facing this problem due to oily Skin,and if you feels or if you are having oily skin than wash your face frequently with normal water and try to make it fresh all the time...

2. Apply below Herbal Face Pack.

Ingredients you will need-

  • Chandan Powder
  • Turmeric Powder
  • Rose Powder 

Mix these with Natural Aloe Vera gel and milk. Apply the paste as face pack daily twice. Keep it up to half an hour to 1 hour than wash it with normal water. Before applying it wash your face with normal water, this natural herbs definitely helps you to overcome your Pimples.

3. Keep Diet Care, Life Style and Stress in Control

Do not eat Spicy,Oily food or avoid eating out side,this may aggravate your take simple Diet made at your home,Take plenty of seasonal fruits,Drink adequate amount of water 

Keep your Life style in balance,fix your schedules of Breakfast,Lunch and Dinner,Take proper sleep at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep

Avoid all shorts of Yog and Meditation to combat Stress,Specially avoid over usage internet as youngsters are using overnight internet doing chatting with friends,surfing internet that disturbs your sleep and create a huge amount of use your cell phone as per requirement and enjoy your young age with positive activities.

Because We the Ayurved people believes in

सर्वे$पि सुखिनः सन्तु सर्वे सन्तु निरामयः। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चित् दुःखमाप्नुयात्।।

I hope above simple tips are definitely you all will like...share your views,question through comments...that encourage me to share maximum of my expertise with you all...