Parenthood changes a couple’s world. It’s a thankless job. It can be physically exhausting.  It’s extremely challenging and, for most parents emotionally very satisfying even if they spend less time with each other and for individual interests. Parenting styles are different and some are more effective than others. Following are Parenting Styles and the child’s behaviour.

  • Authoritative (Democratic) Style: These parents acknowledge their child’s perspective. They establish clear rules and expectations. They discuss and enforce their standards with the child by using both reason and power.

Children of such parents exhibit energetic – friendly behaviour. They are very self – reliant and cheerful. They cope well with stress and are achievement oriented.

  • Authoritarian Style: These parents actively involved with their kids. They expect and demand obedience from the child.  They establish rigid rules and expectations and strictly enforce them with the child.

Children of such parents are often conflicted and irritable in behaviour. They are moody and unhappy. They are more vulnerable to stress and often unfriendly.

  • Permissive Style: These parents let the child’s preferences take priority over their ideas. They rarely force the child to conform to their standards.

Children of such parents generally exhibit impulsive – aggressive behaviour. They are often rebellious, domineering and low achievers.

  • Rejecting Style: These parents do not pay much attention to their child’s need. They rarely have expectations regarding how the child should behave.

Children of such parents are often immature and have psychological problems.

  • Uninvolved Style: These parents often ignore the child. They let the child’s preferences prevail as long as those preferences do not interface with their own activities.

This style of parenting is not often discussed in the research, but it is in many instances combined with the rejecting style. Children of these parents are often loners, withdrawn and low achievers.