- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD is a medical condition that is related to a biochemical imbalance in the brain.
- Obsessions are intrusive unwanted thoughts or urges that don’t go away. They are stubbornly repetitive.
- Compulsions are the repetitive behaviours that people perform in a vain attempt to rid themselves of the very uncomfortable and unpleasant feelings that the obsessions cause. These compulsive acts may provide immediate relief, but they also reinforce the obsessional thoughts.
- Doing compulsive acts provides only short-term relief, but then tends to make the obsessions worse, especially over the long run. So, change what you do. Act differently. Break the pattern.
- A psychological understanding of the emotional content of the thoughts and urges will rarely ever make them go away.
- Looking for the cause will not help these obsessive thoughts and urges to disappear.
- You can make these brain chemistry changes only through Behaviour Therapy. Its not how you feel but what you do that counts.
- Every time you give in and perform the compulsive act, things will get worse, and the OCD will only get stronger.
- Take steps to change your behaviour to do something more useful and constructive.
- Obsessive thoughts and compulsive urges are messages coming to you from a brain that is biochemically imbalanced. They are not real.
- Changing your behaviour changes your brain. When you change your behaviour in constructive ways, the uncomfortable feelings your brain is sending you begin to fade over time. This makes your responses easier to manage and control.
- Its not how you feel but what you do that counts.