What is Optic Neuritis
Optic neuritis is the inflammatory and demyelinating disease of the optic nerve.
Most common causes are hereditary namely Multiple sclerosis, Neuromyalitis optica. Para infections like measles, mumps, chicken pox, whooping cough and Glandular fever are secondary causes which develop Optic Neuritis.
Infections like acute ethmoditis, cat scratch fever, syphilis and toxic optic neuritis are other causes. 70% of the multiple sclerosis case develops optic neuritis.
What happens in Optic Neuritis
Inflammation of optic nerve, optic disc, macula and peripheral retina are seen in Optic neuritis. Papillitis (inflammation of optic disc), neuroretinitis (inflammation of optic disc, macula and peripheralretina) and retro bulbar neuritis are clinical feature of Optic neuritis.
Sign and Symptoms
Sudden progressive and profound visual loss, defects in color vision, flashes of lights in vision, black outs and mild eye pain are common symptoms found in optic neuritis. Marked reduced visual acuity, severely impaired color vision, disc edema, splinter hemorrhages are clinical signs found in Optic neuritis. Visual field changes are prominent features in Optic neuritis.
Optic Neuritis in Ayurveda
Features of Optic Neuritis are commonly seen in the cases of Vataja Timir, Timir affecting 1st and 2nd Patala of Eye, Vataparya and Anyota Vata in Ayurvedic Ophthalmology. Most common causes are Dhatu Kshyaya and Vegadharan which ultimately is the cause of vitiation of Vata. Then the degeneration in nerves and other ocular tissues are obvious. Severe physical and psychological stresses are other associated factors which causes Vata Prakopa.
Ayurvedic management of Optic Neuritis
The lines of management are based on Dhatukshaya and Agnimandya correction. In Ayurveda Optic Neuritis or Vataja Timir is certainly curable with Purificatory procedures like Virechan, Raja Yapana Basti, Nasya. Oculartherapies like Netra Tarpan, Aschyotan, Putapaka, Pariseka, Pindi and Vidalakaare extremely beneficial in recovering the visual loss.