Ladyfinger Okra is another great natural vegetable that can help your sexual health. It is high in a number of vitamins and also a great source of zinc. As you know zinc deficiency is one of the major sources of erectile problems. Its high vitamin content also helps counter exhaustion and revitalizes sexual vigour.

Men's sexual health

As mentioned above, ladyfinger (okra) is great for improving sexual health. You can stir fry some okra in butter or you can have the root powder of it with a glass of milk and honey. This will help you with your erections as well as give you sexual stamina.

Women’s Sexual health

Ladyfinger is also great for female sexual health. Women who suffer from excessive bleedings during their menstrual cycles or endometriosis can use it for their benefit. Poke holes in two to three okras and put them in a glass of water. Keep them overnight at room temperature and drink the liquid first thing in the morning. Drinking this for a few weeks will help reduce the bleeding during the cycle and also help in other matters of sexual health.

Okra is a great vegetable for sexual health and should be included in the diet on a regular basis.