A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear. For a beautiful smile its not only your white teeth but also properly aligned teeth play an important role.Get that perfect aligned smile by getting braces, few things to know about braces treatment

 -There is no age limit to braces all you need to ensure is that your gums and teeth are healthy

 - There are different type of braces which you can opt for based on your comfort , budget and professional needs

- A little discomfort can be expected especially in the first week , lukewarm water and salt gargle can relieve the discomfort. It will be a manageable one so nothing to worry about. 

- You have to give extra time into your teeth cleaning routine, special brushes are there which help ortho patients to manage there oral hygiene.

- Retainer given after the treatment is over is a must. It help in keeping the teeth stable at their position.

Rest we are just a call away for any query about the treatment or for any help during the treatment.

The sooner you treat your teeth , the faster you will be able to flash that million dollar smile.


Oyster Dental Clinic, Bangalore