1. Knee joints are pushed back into a locked or even backward bent position, forcing increasing weight through the heels.
  2. This knee position tends to cause the same pelvic and low back position described in problem posture. Tipped forward with an increased low back arch.
  3. The chest is depressed, “sitting” on the pelvis.
  4. The head and neck will tend to drop forward and down, following the chest position.

ADJUSTMENT EXERCISE: unlock the knees, level the pelvis, head/chest float.

  • Unlock the knees: relieve the backward strain and let your knees shift forward slightly, over the front of your ankles. This will be easier if you are slight heels as opposed to flats.
  • Level the pelvis as described under problem posture number
  • Allow your chest to expand and lift with air as you breathe in; allow it to stay floating up all over your level as your exhale.
  • Allow your head to float up tall and level, centred over your upright chest- as if it were filled with helium or being pulled upward by a string, with no effort on your part. 


  • Your pelvis and abdomen are leaning out in front, forcing increased weight through the balls of the feet.
  • The upper body may compensate by slumping: chest “sitting” on the abdomen and head dropped down and forward.

ADJUSTMENT EXERCISE: centring the pelvis, head/chest float

  • Bring your pelvis back, centring it over your base of support so that you feel increased weight through your heels.
  • Allow the chest and head to lift when you inhale and to stay floating up when you exhale. Imagine a string lifting you up tall and vertical, back over your heels.
  • Lift your lower abdomen up and in to help pull you back over your heels and lift you up tall.