I come from a traditional Marwadi family and I grew up under my grandma’s watchful eyes! Be it stomach ache, cough, tiredness, heavy head or acidity… I remember my grandma going to the kitchen for a cure and not to the drawer that stored our supply of pills. As I look back, I now realize the importance of these essential ingredients in our daily diets and how even nutrition science backs up their efficiency.Members of the older generations in an Indian household heavily relied on the power of traditional herbs, spices or kitchen ingredients as a traditional system of medicine. These remedies are not just quick fixes, but are natural and have stood the test of time and science.

We never really take out the time to reflect upon the seasonal shifts and the produce that nature avails at that particular time.

Did you know?

1. Sesame seeds are an immunity booster, regulates body heat and provides conditioning to your skin and hair during winters

2. Jaggery is loaded with anti-oxidants and thus fights with various infections in our body.

3. Ajwain fights gaseousness, aids in digestion and fights the common cold.

4. The superfood ghee is a natural moisturizer, improves digestion and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and also gives you the much-needed warmth to fight the winters.

5. Millets like bajra, rajgeera and jowar provide us with essential vitamins, minerals and fibre to kick-start our metabolism.

And a lot more! Wholesome Indian recipes use these traditional herbs, spices, local vegetation etc. to strengthen our body’s immune response and mechanism. There are ingredients that help you prep for a seasonal shift, ingredients that instantly cure indigestion, a runny nose, aching feet and even an unwanted pimple! These recipes include ingredients or combinations in which they are made to take care of anything and everything!If you are enthusiastic to fight ailments the healthy way or prevent them all together, this can be your guide to a happy and healthy winter. Find some of our traditional, wholesome recipes below to warm you up this winter.

Wholesome Indian recipes use these traditional herbs, spices, local vegetation etc. to strengthen our body’s immune response and mechanism. There are ingredients that help you prep for a seasonal shift, ingredients that instantly cure indigestion, a runny nose, aching feet and even an unwanted pimple! These recipes include ingredients or combinations in which they are made to take care of anything and everything!

If you are enthusiastic to fight ailments the healthy way or prevent them all together, this can be your guide to a happy and healthy winter. Find some of our traditional, wholesome recipes below to warm you up this winter.

Bajra khichdi with home-made Makhan

The name ‘khichidi’ makes us go all warm and fuzzy inside. This creamy Rajasthani bajra khichdi with home-made Makhan is a winter-favourite in many households. Bajra, known to be one of the healthiest millets in the world, is a great combination of insoluble fibre, essential amino acids, minerals, and is a high energy-low glycemic index food. When paired with rich butter, this recipe provides you nutrients and increases your metabolism and body temperature.