For this region of the body, we will be concerned with the musculature that draws down the thoracic spine from the sternum.  The upper abdominals are at the foundation of imbalance in the upper body.  Due to anterior shifting happening in the lumbopelvic region, the entire thoracic vertebrae will fall forward in compensation in hopes of regaining balance.  

Over a long period of time, this will create a thickening of fascia right below the ribcage, directly upon the upper abdominal region.  When this gets wired in as an ingrained dysfunction, it wreaks havoc on the body to the point where good posture becomes a near impossibility.  As the upper abdominals pull downward on the sternum, it makes it nearly impossible to expand the ribcage in an efficient manner.  In order for the ribs to expand, the diaphragm must have the ability to leverage off of the thoracic spine.  

When the thoracic spine is in flexion, the diaphragm is not in position to do so.  Also, the upper abdominals will be directly responsible for inhibiting the activation of the transverse abdominis.  When the sternum is pulled downward by the upper abdominals, it inhibits the transverse abdominis from compressing the spine.  In order for the transverse abdominis to work, it needs space to do so.  The upper abdominals are a region of the body that take top priority in terms of myofascial release.


The Theracane has small node like features that are able to isolate this fairly small muscle. Position one of the nodes just lateral of the body’s cent you want to stay away from the zyphoid process, which can easily be damaged. Push the node in and upwards under the first rib. Be sure to not apply too much pressure as this is a highly guarded region and the body may not take such a liking to it initially.