In IVF embryos are formed in the lab and then they are implanted in the uterus at an appropriate time. Implantation of the embryo in uterus depends on various factors.
When in the uterus, blastocyst starts to communicate with the endometrium by secreting protein molecule. If an embryo is competent enough and endometrium is receptive, it results in implantation. Failure of implantation can occur because of following reasons:
- Poor embryo quality.
- The uterus is not receptive.
- The environment is not conducive enough.
- Few unexplained factors.
It is well-known fact that embryo and endometrium talk to each other using molecular signals & such cross talk is necessary for successful implantation. Till now no reliable markers have been identified. This makes it difficult to explain &treat this cause of implantation failure.
Chances of getting pregnant with IVF.
IVF is a procedure in which egg & sperm are joined outside human body & embryo formed is allowed to mature in lab till it is placed back in the uterus for implantation. IVF is done only when there is some disease or reason which is creating a problem in conceiving naturally.IVF is more often successful than other methods of assisted reproduction.
In general, the odds of live birth with IVF ranges from 30-50 per cent. However, individual changes may be different.F or example, success rates are higher in young women and older women using younger eggs, Also chances vary based on a type of problem, lifestyle factors.
How long does it take to get pregnant with IVF?
Becoming pregnant following IVF depends on many factors.
The basic causes of infertility -
- Sperm Quality & Number.
- Uterine endometrium.
- Other immunological & molecules factors.
Grossly, it can be said that about 25% of women undergoing IVF become pregnant in the 1st cycle. Another 45% seem to get pregnant in 2nd or 3rd cycle. About 30% of women have to do many IVF cycles to get pregnant. Many do not conceive despite doing many Ivf cycles.
Coping with infertility Does stress cause infertility?
Stress is a major factor which aggravates the problem of infertility. Itself it may not cause infertility but it makes many body organs to work harder than normal and increase production of certain hormones & chemical substances.
How do you deal with infertility?
Which infertility with the normal working of organs. These chemicals may work at molecular levels to interfere with conception. There are certain ways by which a person can try to cope with the problem of infertility:
1. First thing is to understand is whatever you are feeling regarding infertility is normal
2. Don’t get yourself more stresses because of treatment &investigation
3. Discuss with your partner.
4. Find other ways to calm yourself
5. Take care of your general health